Botox and breast surgery More cosmetic surgery

Botox and breast surgery More cosmetic surgery / Health News

Botox treatments more in demand than in the previous year


Cosmetic surgery is now one of the standard procedures in many German clinics. However, the preferences of patients have changed over the past few years, according to one of the results of the nationwide patient survey conducted by the German Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (DGÄPC). Although the most frequently requested procedure continues to be breast augmentation, there has been a significant decrease compared with the previous year. In second place in the survey long eyelid tightening, followed by treatments with the neurotoxin botulinum, which registered a significant increase in popularity.

The nationwide patient survey was also examined for the first time according to the German Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, „Which degree of education do patients have, whether they have already come into contact with Aesthetic Plastic Surgery in their environment and what they hope for?.“ Furthermore, the gender and age of the patients were recorded by default. In addition to the already mentioned shifts, it became apparent „the most notable change in tenth place, as it made the first time Intim corrections in the list of the ten most popular aesthetic treatments“, so the message of the DGÄPC. Breast reduction, however, had fallen out of the list.

85 percent of cosmetic surgery takes place in women
The gender-specific view of the sought-after cosmetic surgery shows that just under 85 percent of the interventions in women were carried out, with breast enlargements in particular being the trend. This was followed by eyelid tightening and Botox treatments. Contrary to the trend in previous years, men in 2013 asked for fewer cosmetic surgeries, whereby it was no longer liposuction but first eyelid tightening that came first. Significant increases have it also in the „intimate surgery and wrinkle fillers and botulinum treatment“ given, reports the DGÄPC. Rhinoplasty and abdominoplasty have fallen in popularity, however. Apart from the top ten, there was also a significant increase in the number of hair transplantations in demand.

Trend towards cosmetic surgery in elderly patients
Regarding the age of the patients, the DGÄPC patient survey finds that „Contrary to the repeated allegations that more and more young people are interested in aesthetic treatments, the German patients in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery are getting older.“ Furthermore, a significant proportion of the interventions in the group of 18 to 30 year olds took place. According to the expert society, an increase in cosmetic surgery was seen in the age group of 31 to 40 years and in the over-60s. Overall, the average age of the patients was 41 years, while the men surveyed averaged 39.7 years.

Hope to improve the feeling of life
The survey of the highest education or professional qualifications of the patients showed that „Overall, the proportion of university graduates with 35.4 percent, well above that in the German total population“ according to DGÄPC. In terms of expectations for cosmetic surgery, the patient survey concludes that „More than three-quarters of respondents expect the treatment to improve their lifestyle“ and a quarter hopes to achieve or hold an ideal. According to the expert association, this year's survey was attended by 1,326 patients from DGÄPC members throughout Germany. (Fp)

Picture: Rainer Sturm