
Botox /
Botox is the name of a medicinal substance based on so-called botulinum toxins. These special neurotoxins are naturally produced by some bacterial strains, but they can also be syntethically produced and used in medicine for different purposes. For example, Botox is used to combat some forms of movement disorders, teeth grinding, migraines and tension headaches, as well as special conditions such as Frey syndrome. Most people, however, the drug is more known from cosmetic surgery. Here, the injection of Botox can provide a smoother complexion and reduce wrinkles.

Threatening side effects

From a medical point of view, however, the use of Botox against wrinkles is extremely critical, as there are several side effects ranging from local pain, drooping eyelids and dysphagia to rare sarcoidosis. In addition, the impact is limited (a maximum of half a year). While Botox as a drug in medicine offers quite useful uses, the injection for purely cosmetic purposes is therefore rather refuse. (Fp)

Study: Botox is supposed to help against depression

Botox injections should not only smooth out wrinkles but also relieve mental illness27.02.2012It sounds almost a bit paradox: Boto ...
More Increased use of Botox against wrinkles

Associations report increased use of Botox against wrinkles29.09.2011 More and more women seem to have problems with their natural aging process.
More women reject Botox

Majority of German women refuse Botox for wrinkle smoothing14.09.2011Beauty surgery or treatment with the nerve toxin Botox come for ...
More Botox approved as a migraine remedy

Botox approved as a migraine medicine in the US by the FDA The popular anti-wrinkle agent Botox is an application method that ...
More plastic surgery Botox & Laser increasingly popular

Beauty corrections are also enjoying increasing popularity in Germany. In particular, the use of Botox for wrinkle treatment is in the ...

(Picture 1: esben468635 /