Booming fitness industry in Germany

Booming fitness industry in Germany / Health News

The fitness industry is once again recording significant growth


The number of members in fitness studios has risen again in Germany in the past year, according to the results of a joint study by the auditing firm Deloitte, the Employers' Association of German Fitness and Healthcare Facilities (DSSV) and the German University for Prevention and Health Management (DhfPG).. „With growth of around 530,000 members (+ 6.1%), the sector continued its continuous growth trend of recent years in 2014“, Deloitte reports.

Overall, according to the latest study, at the end of 2014, around 9.1 million members were enrolled in the 8,026 gyms nationwide. Thus, Germany has the largest fitness market in Europe in Europe, according to the Deloitte statement, citing the Europe-wide study „European Health & Fitness Market“. Especially the fitness chains like „McFit“ or „Fitness First“ would gain increasing market share with new fitness formats.

Germany's largest fitness market in Europe
Although Germany already has the largest fitness market in Europe according to the latest figures, according to the experts there is further growth potential here. The changed consumer demands would create two formative market dynamics. On the one hand, there is a continuing polarization of the price segments - recognizable by the increasing number of discount and premium providers. On the other hand, there is an increasing supply diversification, so that special offers such as Mrs.Sporty (women's circus training) or Bodystreet (electromuscles stimulation) can be successfully established in addition to the classic providers.

Continuation of the positive trend expected
The DSSV Chief Executive, Refit Kamberovic, said in the current press release that continued positive development in the fitness and health care industry in Germany is expected. Because „It is now social consensus that physical activity in fitness and health care facilities is an integral part of active health care“, so Kamberovic. This insight will lead to the year 2020 „the 12 million member limit is exceeded.“ (Fp)

> Image: Stephanie Hofschlaeger