Boom of stem cell therapy in China

Boom of stem cell therapy in China / Health News

Stem Cure Business in China - Medicine in Blind Flight


In China, the business with the actually forbidden stem cell treatments is in full swing. Despite efforts by the government in Beijing to bring the questionable business practices of clinics and doctors under control, the supply of stem cell treatments is booming.

Research of the news agency „dpa“ have shown that stem cell treatments are available in China for the treatment of numerous diseases. For example, promote Dr. Li from Zhongshan Hospital in the central Chinese metropolis of Wuhan: „We take stem cells to help with the treatment of autism.“ Other doctors promise successful treatment of cerebral palsy or even Parkinson's. However, the users of the stem cell treatments do not seem to have an approval and the effect of the treatment is by no means scientifically proven. This is where business is done with the hopeless situation of the patients, according to medical experts worldwide.

Stem cell cures are also prohibited in China
The stem cells are won according to Dr.. Li out „the umbilical cord of newborns.“ Subsequently, the cells are injected into the patient and look for each other „naturally their goal“, describes the doctor of the Zhongshan Hospital the miraculous healing effect of the therapy. On telephone inquiries of „dpa“ She explained that neither with a repulsion, nor with „biochemical reactions of the body, consequential damage or gene mutations“ to be expected. The promises of the Chinese clinics are tempting: Alzheimer's, paralysis, Parkinson's disease and even cancer should be successfully treated with the stem cell cures. Everything at a price of a few thousand euros. However, such treatments are actually prohibited even in China, not least because there is no scientific evidence for their effect and the stem cells can sometimes bring a significant health risk. Critical physicians expressly warn against the consequential health damage that threatens stem cell cures.

Stem cell treatment on humans by no means certain
The Chinese health authorities are well aware of this risk, said Dr. Chen Lei of the National Cell Center in Beijing „dpa“, it was „insane to claim that stem cell treatment in humans is safe.“ Here are the „Medicine in blind flight“, being possible „Defense reactions and efficacy uncertain“ stay, criticized Lei. He was aware of serious complications or sequelae such as tumor formation by stem cell treatments, the expert explained. However, for Dr. med. Lei also understand why the business is still so booming: „It's a huge temptation for those desperate patients and their families.“ The Ministry of Health in Beijing is also aware of the problem. Due to the lack of evidence of medical benefit, no treatment has been approved and, moreover, the ministry has expressly outlawed all treatments or clinical trials of stem cell treatments in January. The research of „dpa“ However, many Chinese clinics do not seem to comply with this requirement. All offered stem cell treatments „are not allowed“ and „Why do you think we have passed these rules??“, Yin Shike's answer from the Ministry of Health to the request of the „dpa“.

Stem cell cures surrounded by „Aura of established acceptance“
In particular, the military hospitals, which are not subject to the Ministry of Health, advertise in spite of the ban continues to be solvent customers with the offer of stem cell treatments. They seem to represent a different legal view here than the Ministry. Thus, a doctor from the General Hospital of the Military Command of Jinan (Shandong Province) said on request of the „dpa“, that „so far only military hospitals make stem cell therapies“ allowed. Her clinic even offers stem cell treatments for some cancers for around 20,800 yuan (2,570 euros). However, the exact treatment costs are dependent „from the individual patient.“, said the general hospital doctor. For experts worldwide, the trend observed in China is quite worrying. For even the very existence of the stem cell departments in the large, renowned clinics give the treatment a „Aura of established acceptance“, so the reproach in the British science magazine „Nature“. Added to this is the intensive advertising and dissemination of stories about miraculous healing success. Furthermore, clinics often trick potential clients into maintaining good relationships with celebrities, high-ranking politicians, and leading scientists, underlining their own perceived reputation.

Cure promise for Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and cancer
Completely uninhibited of possible legal consequences, Dr. Li also told Zhongshan Hospital „dpa“, for which purposes stem cell treatments are offered in their hospital. This includes the treatment of „Patients with cerebral palsies“ (Paralysis due to damage to the brain) and Parkinson's. Noteworthy, where these diseases are still considered incurable today. Only 30,000 to 40,000 yuan (3,700 to 4,900 euros) will cost the treatment of cerebral palsies, about 50,000 yuan (just under 6,200 euros) the treatment of Parkinson's. „There are no adverse reactions or consequential damages“, stressed the doctor to the „dpa“. Regarding the treatment success, Dr. Li, that „Usually the patient needs two, three months to recover.“ Subsequently, however, the patients were „in a very good condition“, so Dr. Li continues. Critical demands of the news agency left the doctor on the phone but rather unanswered. She did not want to mention the name of the treating stem cell expert in her hospital, and when asked about a license for stem cell treatments, Dr. Li answered with the counter question: „We have been dealing with stem cells for two years. We could not do that if it were forbidden, or?“

Stem cell treatments modern quackery
In principle, the offer of Chinese clinics is nothing more than the miracle drug sale of modern quack. Evidence of efficacy is lacking and instead significant side effects are to be feared. However, because patients with Parkinson's, cancer or cerebral palsy are often so desperate that they reach for any straw, they can make a lot of money here. Celebrities such as the German artist Jörg Immendorf, who was suffering from Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) - an incurable nervous disease - also fell for the promise of healing. In 2005, Immendorf went to Beijing for treatment with embryonic stem cells. These were loud to him „dpa“ injected directly into the brain, but a cure of his illness could not be achieved. About two years after the procedure, Immendorf died as a result of ALS. (Fp)

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Picture: Rainer Sturm