Hypertension Study What influence our genes have on blood pressure

Hypertension is not the sole result of an unhealthy lifestyle
The data of one million people led to what is currently the world's biggest advance in the question: "What impact do our genes have on blood pressure?". An English study reveals over 500 new gene regions that affect human blood pressure. Thus, it is clear that high blood pressure does not always have to be the result of an unhealthy lifestyle.
The data analysis of over one million participants tripled the number of known genetic signals that affect blood pressure. This was the result of an international research team led by Queen Mary University of London and Imperial College London. This largest study to date has recently been published in the renowned journal "nature genetics".

About 8 million deaths annually
Hypertension is a major risk factor for strokes, heart attacks and heart disease. According to study authors, around 7.8 million people died from the effects of hypertension in 2015. Risk factors that arise from an unhealthy lifestyle, such as overweight and obesity, smoking, alcohol consumption and high salt intake are already well known and proven by numerous studies. However, the influence of genetics on blood pressure has been largely unknown.
A groundbreaking success
"We now know there are over 1000 genetic signals that affect our blood pressure," says Professor Mark Caulfield of the Queen William Harvey Research Institute in a press release on the study's findings. This is the biggest advance in blood pressure genetics research so far. Many new insights into how our body regulates blood pressure could be derived from it. In addition, the study results would reveal new opportunities for future drugs.
The risk of hypertension is predictable
"With this information, we could calculate a person's genetic risk for hypertension later in life," explains Professor Caulfield. This would enable early identification of high-risk patients and lifestyle interventions.
Various groupings of hypertensive patients
The international research team analyzed the DNA of more than one million people and compared the genetic information with their blood pressure data. Thus, genetic variants were identified, which are associated with an increased risk of hypertension. "Identifying the various genetic signals will increasingly help us divide patients into high-risk groups," explains Deputy Study Director Professor Paul Elliott of Imperial College London. The classification would enable physicians to intervene much earlier in the development of the disease.
New treatments opened up
The study identifies potential new targets for drug development. It has been discovered that some medicines that are already used for other diseases could also be used to treat high blood pressure. As an example, the researchers call the type 2 diabetes drug canagliflozin. From these findings, new, rapid and cost-effective antihypertensive drug therapies could emerge that could help especially patients who show resistance or intolerance.
Old acquaintances in genetic research
In addition, the researchers found gene variants that affect blood pressure, which are already associated with other diseases. The team was able to prove that the so-called APOE gene, which is known to increase the risk of arterial disease and Alzheimer's dementia, also affects blood pressure.
Be healed before you get sick
"Knowing which genes cause high blood pressure can help us identify those at risk before the damage occurs," said Professor Jeremy Pearson of the British Heart Foundation. Those at risk could be treated with medications or lifestyle changes before they get sick. Thousands of heart attacks and strokes could be prevented each year. (Vb)