Hypertension Sports and healthy eating depress blood pressure

The "silent killer", so doctors call the disease hypertension. The signs of increased blood pressure are rarely noticeable. That's why hypertension is high on the list of underestimated health risks. Doctors warn about the deadly dangers in the course of the World Hypertension Day on Sunday.
About every third German citizen suffers from high blood pressure. In people over the age of 70, about 75 percent of sufferers suffer from high blood pressure levels. Many patients are unaware of the health consequences. Already the mild hypertension - that is called hypertension in the medical jargon - can be fatal for the person affected. The German Hypertension League (DHL), the most important association in this field, warns against this on the occasion of World Hypertension Day on Sunday.

Precautionary measures can protect
Nearly every third in Germany has high blood pressure, among the 70 to 79-year-olds, three out of four suffer from it. The Dangerous: Even a mild hypertension increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and thus a previous death. Already non-drug treatment steps, such as lifestyle changes, can contribute to a healthy blood pressure and thus maintain the health long. Therefore, on May 17, 2015, the World Hypertension Day takes place under the motto "Prevent & Stay Healthy - Exercise, Relaxation and Conscious Diet for Healthy Blood Pressure". The Day of Action focuses on the importance of preparedness and the opportunities each individual has to contribute to their health. Which precautionary measures are well suited, explain representatives of the German high pressure league e.V. DHL - German society for hypertension and prevention at the world Hypertonie day 2015 nationwide.
30-50-80: That's the vision of DHL. "All people over the age of 30 should know their own blood pressure. By the age of 50 at the latest, those affected by hypertension should be well-adjusted ", says Professor Dr. med. med. Martin Hausberg, CEO of DHL® and Director of the Medical Clinic I for General Internal Medicine, Nephrology, Rheumatology and Pulmonology of the Municipal Hospital Karlsruhe. The aim for the 80-year-old patients is to avoid disabilities caused by secondary diseases of high blood pressure, such as stroke or heart attack.
A prerequisite for patients to achieve well-adjusted blood pressure is a healthy lifestyle or, if that is not enough, additional drug therapy. "Basically, lifestyle changes are the drug of first choice in otherwise healthy patients, just by them, for example, a mild hypertension disappear," says Hausberg. Regular exercise, avoidance of prolonged stress, the reduction of obesity and abstinence from nicotine are the most important factors. As well as a healthy diet, preferably according to the "DASH diet" - "Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension". This means: low salt and animal fats, but plenty of fruits and vegetables, cold-pressed oils and low-fat dairy products.
Lifestyle change avoid medication
"Often the blood pressure in the first three months after a corresponding change in lifestyle so strong that medication is not necessary," says the expert, but emphasizes: "If, however, reached no safe levels in this time, must not with a drug therapy being repaired."
But in any case, lifestyle change helps prevent high blood pressure or has a positive effect on existing illness. Even home remedies for high blood pressure can be used to support. On 17 May 2015, the World Hypertension Day, experts in Germany clarify and offer free blood pressure measurements. (Sb)