Hypertension Active without medication to lower blood pressure in a natural way

Hypertension Active without medication to lower blood pressure in a natural way / Health News

Why sticking to good intentions in hypertension is worthwhile

Feeding healthier, reducing weight, exercising more and quitting smoking - these are probably the most common intentions made at the turn of the year. For many people, however, it remains the same. The implementation of exactly these intentions can lead to a significantly better health and quality of life, especially if those affected have high blood pressure levels. High blood pressure experts will give you tips on how to manage your high blood pressure in 2019.

At the beginning of the year, the German Hypertension Society recommends adherence to lifestyle measures that have been shown to reduce high blood pressure and thus reduce the risk of serious vascular diseases such as heart attacks, strokes and other complications such as kidney failure. According to the professional society, everyone can take care of the right measures for the preservation of their own health into old age.

The German Hypertension League recommends to take action against high blood pressure no later than at values ​​of 130/80 mm Hg, as otherwise numerous secondary diseases are imminent. (Image: stokkete / fotolia.com)

Hypertension - an often preventable widespread disease

"Every third person in Germany is affected by high blood pressure, in the over-60s, it is even every second," report the heart specialists of the German high-pressure league. The serious sequelae include numerous heart diseases, kidney failure and retinal changes. In addition, hypertension is suspected to favor dementia. According to the association, however, every second heart attack and stroke could be avoided by taking appropriate countermeasures in good time.

When should high blood pressure be treated by medication??

From blood pressure values ​​of 140/90 mm HG, the medical association recommends a drug treatment. However, the risk for complications increases already from values ​​of 130/80 mm Hg. Especially for people with high blood pressure levels who are not yet taking any medication, the high pressure league recommends lifestyle measures to lower blood pressure naturally. "Often this alone normal blood pressure values ​​can be achieved - and without any side effects," emphasizes Professor. Bernhard K. Krämer, the CEO of the German High Pressure League in a press release.

Overweight as the main risk factor

"Overweight people should lose weight," the experts recommend. Obesity is a major risk factor for hypertension. Group programs for weight loss would have been particularly successful. Therefore, the professional society advises obese people to find a suitable weight loss concept together with the family doctor and to enforce this. Any decreased pounds on the body also reduce the pressure on the vessels.

Training is about to stagnate

According to the high pressure league specialists, not only body weight but also the right ratio of muscle to fat mass is crucial. Even an untrained thin person has an increased risk of hypertension. "Whether you are fat or thin, exercise is an important way to prevent and treat high blood pressure," adds Professor Dr. med. med. Burkhard Weisser, director of the Institute for Sports Science at Kiel University.

The Ten Commandments of Healthy Eating

Healthy nutrition is called a preventive measure in many diseases and conditions. So also with hypertension. But what does it exactly mean? In order not to let a healthy diet degenerate into a hollow phrase, the German Hypertension Academy cut off a healthy diet with these ten guiding principles:

  1. A maximum of ten percent of the daily energy should come from saturated fatty acids (mainly in meat and dairy products). This should be replaced as often as possible with polyunsaturated fatty acids (for example, contained in fish, vegetable oils, nuts).
  2. Avoid trans fats: Trans fatty acids are used for industrial fat hardening and have been shown to increase total cholesterol in the body.
  3. Do not consume more than five to six grams of table salt a day.
  4. Eat lots of fiber (recommended 30 to 45 grams, mainly from whole grains).
  5. Eat fruit twice a day.
  6. Take vegetables three times a day.
  7. Eat fish or seafood once or twice a week.
  8. Consume 30 grams of unsalted nuts daily.
  9. Reduce Alcohol Consumption: Women should not drink more than 10 grams and men should not drink more than 20 grams of pure alcohol per day.
  10. Avoid sweetened and sweetened beverages as much as possible.
