Hypertension From 50, measure blood pressure twice a year

Hypertension From 50, measure blood pressure twice a year / Health News

German Heart Foundation: From the age of 50, have your blood pressure measured twice a year


High blood pressure is usually hardly noticed by those affected, which is why doctors call too high a blood pressure „quiet death on installments“. Arterial hypertension, as hypertension in medical science is called, is very dangerous because of its consequences, because the risk of cardiovascular disease in the long run continuously increases. The renowned German Heart Foundation therefore recommends regular blood pressure measurements, especially in advanced age.

High blood pressure is one of the most important common diseases in Germany and is one of the most common symptoms, especially in old age and overweight. Different estimates assume that between 18 and 35 million people suffer from high blood pressure nationwide, as the German Heart Foundation in Frankfurt am Main announced in the course of this year's World Hypertension Day on May 17.

Hypertension usually causes no complaints
Most patients do not notice the high blood pressure, because over years hypertension causes no or hardly noticeable symptoms. Therefore, high blood pressure remains untreated in many people, which can have serious health consequences. In the worst case, the hypertensives are threatened with the onset of a stroke, heart attack or significant hearing loss. With simple means can be taken, however, as the cardiologists report to the Foundation.

The highest priority should be the control of blood pressure, so that it is also recognized whether hypertension is present. A uniquely high blood pressure does not necessarily mean that hypertension is actually present. Only by a 24-hour measurement, the family doctor or internist can make a clear diagnosis. However, if the blood pressure is significantly increased during a single measurement, an examination should be made with the family doctor. The German Heart Foundation recommends measuring blood pressure at least once a year from the age of 40. From the 50th birthday the blood pressure measurement should be done every six months.

In addition to a genetic disposition, above all, an unhealthy lifestyle increases the high blood pressure risk. If unhealthy lifestyles are thrown overboard, the risk of disease drops significantly. A healthy lifestyle is not only important in prevention but also in the course of therapy.

Healthy lifestyle lowers blood pressure risk
It is important to pay attention to the diet. „The best prevention is a healthy lifestyle“, such as the German Heart Foundation. Anyone who regularly runs endurance sports, drinks only a little alcohol, restricts salt consumption and provides stress with relaxation exercises such as yoga is on the right side.

Obesity is considered a major risk factor. With the help of the Mediterranean diet, the superfluous kilos can be reduced in the long term. Even with already acquired hypertension, it has often been possible to observe that lifestyle changes sustainably lower blood pressure levels. This is the only way to avoid complications such as heart attack, diabetes and stroke.

The German Heart Foundation has an information magazine titled „Tips for hypertension“ edited. It can be requested free of charge from the Deutsche Herzstiftung, Vogtstraße 50, 60322 Frankfurt am Main. (Sb)

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Picture: Rainer Sturm