Bloating syndrome The best remedy for stomach pinching and bloating

Bloating syndrome The best remedy for stomach pinching and bloating / Health News
This helps against the gluttony on the holidays
Cookies, roast, punch and mulled wine: Christmas is usually more feast than usual. This not only provides extra hip gold, but sometimes leads to physical discomfort. Gastric pressure and feeling of fullness are typical consequences of the treats on the holidays. But you can do something about it.

Feast on the Christmas days
On the Christmas days is usually eaten a lot and lush. In addition, the movement is often a bit too short. These conditions often cause the food to be heavy in the stomach causing painful abdominal distension, heartburn, nausea, flatulence and spasmodic abdominal pain. Some tips can help you get through the holidays without feeling bloated.

The luscious food on the Christmas days often leads to indigestion. More exercise and different home remedies can help against feeling of fullness and Co. (Image: Kzenon /

Exercise in the fresh air
One of the best ways to strengthen natural digestion is by walking. To prevent discomfort such as bloating or bloating, a short walk after dinner can help.

The exercise in the fresh air not only stimulates the circulation, but also promotes the circulation of the intestine, which makes the meal easier to digest.

Of cigarettes or liquor as digestive aids advise health experts from.

Soothing belly massage
One way to soothe a swollen abdomen is by performing soothing tummy massages that help stimulate digestion.

The massage is best carried out calmly and evenly - without much pressure on the abdominal wall. For example, oils with lavender or cumin can be used for the massage.

In addition, a heat therapy with a warm granary pillow or a hot water bottle can relax the muscles and have a soothing effect.

Teas and herbs for indigestion
As a home remedy for fullness, there are also various medicinal teas with fennel, caraway, lemon balm, chamomile or peppermint. These have a calming and relaxing effect on the digestive tract.

Although medicines are available for the various indigestion, in most cases, simple home remedies can help. For example, spices such as cumin, fennel and ginger are tried-and-tested home remedies for stomach pain and flatulence.

Pay attention to eating habits
In order to avoid indigestion as much as possible, different dietary habits should be observed. It makes sense to take time for food. Because in the hasty consumption too much air is swallowed and bloating arise.

People who are very vulnerable should better avoid bulky foods such as raw vegetables, beans or cabbages.

The excessive consumption of carbonated drinks brings additional gases into the digestive tract and can lead to discomfort. Heartburn is caused, among other things, by too spicy, too greasy or too rich food.

Get rid of excess pounds
Anyone who has consumed too much calories during the Christmas season and therefore weighs more kilos should try after the holidays without losing a yo-yo effect.

Health experts advise in particular to regular exercise and a reduction in daily calorie intake. To go through a zero diet is difficult for most people. It is much more advisable to go for light meals. The motto is to eat less fat, more protein, enough vegetables and less sugar. Especially recommended is vegetarian food. (Ad)