Blähbauch Fast puffing in the plane

Blähbauch Fast puffing in the plane / Health News

Pupsen in the airplane prefer not to resist


In closed rooms, surrounded by other people, many people refrain from shamming in shame. This is particularly problematic in aircraft, where the Furzdrang increases from a certain altitude. Experts advise that the Pupsen for health reasons better not to resist.

Stopover due to flatulence
As good as every human knows the problem: You would have to fart, but does not dare, because you are surrounded by other people. The phenomenon of abdominal bloating in aviation is handled by the crew „Boeing Belly“ called like that „world“ in a recent article writes. The sheet illustrates the problem with an example from the USA. Once there, a plane had to land after a flatulent passenger lit a match after each puff to conceal the unpleasant odor.

Still a taboo topic
Actually Flatulenz is normal, for many but still a taboo subject. The „world“ Each person produces around 1.5 liters of gas per day in the body. „Most enter the blood through the intestinal wall and are further broken down in the liver and exhaled through the lungs“, Gastroenterologist Mathias Strowski on the travel portal „“. „All gases that can not be broken down must then leave the body as pups.“ These reach a speed of 0.1 to 1.1 meters per second. As the paper writes, the number of daily pups is on average 12.7. Each fart consists of gases, such as odorless nitrogen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, oxygen, but also malodorous sulfur compounds.

Flatulence increases over the clouds
On flights, the flatulence increases, among other things due to the reduced air pressure. As reported, almost all of these gases pass into the intestine from 3,500 meters altitude and thus lead to increased Furzdrang. As the aircraft continues to rise, the gases continue to expand in the abdomen. In addition, the accumulation of air is promoted by a lack of exercise or a wrong diet on board. From the crew, the phenomenon of the phenomenon of abdominal bloating in aviation „Boeing Belly“ called, which torments both the passengers and the pilots and flight attendants - especially on the long haul.

Experienced frequent flyers abstain from some drinks and food
On common home remedies for flatulence, with which you can usually treat the abdominal pain, eructation with heartburn and blows well, you often have to do without on board, as the taking away of drinks is not allowed and many of the aids are prepared in the form of teas. Not as a home remedy, but as a means on board offers itself to get up again and again and move something. This is advisable on long flights anyway, especially as a prevention against thrombosis. Experienced frequent flyers often abstain from alcohol, fizzy drinks, juice and coffee as they can aggravate the problem. Instead, they take unsweetened herbal tea or still water.

Better to drive
According to the „world“ You should also do without salad and fruit. On certain foods that promote flatulence, Airlines refrain from the information usually anyway: These include legumes, leeks or cabbage. It is also reported that some passengers with over-the-counter defoaming agents use the active ingredients Dimeticon and Simeticon. These dissolve the gases already in the stomach. On the question of whether one should better resist the Pups or not, the paper is a study, the scientists in the „New Zealand Medical Journal“ have published. The simple answer is: „Just let it go“, which means that it should be let out. Otherwise threatened complaints such as bloating, indigestion and abdominal pain.

Flying with leather pants
The strained retention of the air in the abdominal cavity may cause the intestine to cramp up too much and pinch the air at its bends on the right and left in the abdomen, which causes further discomfort. That's why the motto is: Let drive. The smell problems, which can occur with such a consistent let-it-go behavior on board, also address the researchers. Their proposal is to process activated carbon in aircraft seats in the future as this material could neutralize the odor. Professor Dr. Strowski, who thinks one should deal with his fellow travelers in such cases „just apologize“ He has a somewhat unusual advice and says: "Fly leather pants! Through the fabric, the intestinal winds are subdued and distributed little by little." (Ad)

Picture: Tilmann Jörg