Stay fresh How eggs are best stored

Stay fresh How eggs are best stored / Health News
Easter is coming up: store eggs with a pointed end down
What would Easter be without eggs? Anyone who already buys for the holidays, can already pack eggs. In the refrigerator, they are usually longer lasting. There you can also store egg whites and yolks, which are left over after being blown out.
Store eggs separately from other foods
Whether cooked hard, colorfully painted or processed raw for Easter buffet to dishes such as "Russian eggs": an Easter without eggs is hard to imagine. Eggs are best kept separate from other foods. This is because their shell is permeable to air and therefore can take on smells of strong-smelling foods such as onions. The initiative "Too good for the barrel!" Of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) has put together some tips about the egg.

The correct storage of eggs. Image: iprachenko - fotolia

Determine freshness with the swim test
Eggs last longer when stored in the egg compartment of the refrigerator with the tip pointed down. Then the yolk is in the middle and the air chamber above. When the egg is stored the other way round, the bubble rises with time. Then it can happen that the egg skin comes off and germs invade. Incidentally, one should not wash an egg before storage. This could destroy the natural protective layer of the shell. To detect whether an egg is fresh, the swimming test is suitable: The raw egg is placed in a glass of cold water. If it is fresh, it stays on the ground. An older egg, according to the experts, or floats above.

Leftovers from blowing out can be stored for a few days
Normally eggs are stable at least 28 days after the laying date. If there are no eggs and yellow left over from eggs, it can be stored for a few days. Covered in a refrigerator, it lasts for two to three days. And frozen with a little salt or sugar, you can even keep it for six to ten months. According to the initiative, protein alone can last up to a year without adding salt or sugar if it is frozen.

Eggs are healthier than their reputation
Although eggs still have a bad reputation for health, some experts have since withdrawn cholesterol warnings associated with cholesterol-containing foods. Thus, the cholesterol contained in food is no longer classified as a health hazard. Older studies have also confirmed that protein has a positive effect on high blood pressure. Although some of the research results of recent years are still controversial, it is known that eggs are valuable nutrients. In addition to protein and fat, the egg contains minerals such as phosphorus, potassium, calcium and iron as well as vitamins A and B. (Ad)