
lead /
Lead (plumbum) is one of the heavy metals and is extremely toxic to humans. On the one hand, acute intoxications threaten at higher intake levels, on the other hand, lead accumulates in the human body even at low intake levels and can lead to chronic poisoning. In addition to more unspecific symptoms such as tiredness and headache, severe damage to the nervous system and blood formation are possible consequences. If lead poisoning is suspected, medical attention should be sought promptly and the source of contamination identified as quickly as possible to prevent further intoxication. For lead and various lead compounds, an increased risk of cancer is also discussed, although the scientific assessment has not been completed yet. (Fp)

Health risks: Lead found in numerous samples of baby food

Is baby food often contaminated with lead? Our ingested food has a significant impact on health. More and more people are looking for ...
More 'data-url = "https://www.heilpraxisnet.de/naturheilpraxis/gesundheitsrisiko-blei-in-zahleichen-proben-von-babynahrung-gefunden-20170619281416" data-lang = "de" data-theme = "color "data-orientation =" horizontal "> Lead in drinking water should be banned

Since 1 December, a new limit for lead in drinking water applies 17.12.2013Guaranteed unleaded drinking water in sight: Since December 1, 2013 applies ...
More New limits for lead in drinking water

From 1 December 2013 new limit values ​​for lead in drinking water18.11.2013The Federal Ministry of Health announced on Monday that from 1 December ...

(Picture 1: T. Michel / fotolia.com)