Cystitis in summer These tips will help

Cystitis is often associated with cold. But even in the summer months, many people - especially women - get sick. The urinary symptoms and pain in the abdomen can then spoil the whole summer. Then it is important to know what helps with cystitis.
Especially women get bladder infections
According to an old medical myth, cold soils can catch the bladder. Therefore, Grandmother's advice not to sit on icy pads should be followed to avoid bladder infection. But there are other causes that lead to the disease. Wolfgang Bühmann, spokesman for the Professional Association of German Urologists, explained that a cystitis, also called cystitis, is usually triggered by E. coli bacteria, which pass from the intestine into the urethra. These bacteria belong to the normal intestinal flora of humans. Anatomical reasons are the reason that mainly women are affected: "The urethra has a length of four centimeters in women. Bacteria can enter the bladder more easily than men. Her urethra is five times longer. "

Illnesses due to light clothing
The risk of inflammation can also be increased by hormonal changes during puberty, pregnancy or menopause. The fact that women often suffer from cystitis in the summer months, according to the urologist also has to do with the fact that they are more easily clothed and protect less from the cold than in winter. It can be problematic if you let the wet bikini dry on a cold surface in the sun. The air of air conditioners in buses or planes can also be dangerous. "This creates evaporation cold. The body registers that it is getting cold and makes the vital organs stronger, "says the doctor. If the pelvic area is less perfused, it is also more susceptible to pathogens. If the immune system is weakened by stress or the intake of medication, inflammation can easily develop. String thongs, too, favor bladder infections, experts say. In addition, sexual intercourse can promote the development of cystitis. "In sex, bacteria can get into the bladder. But there is no transmission of bacteria from the partner, "said Bühmann. Therefore, you should go to the bathroom after sex to rinse the pathogens out of the bladder.
Every trip to the toilet is agony
Symptoms that indicate illness include pelvic pain, burning sensation, frequent urination, or foul-smelling urine. Every use of the toilet becomes torture. "Because urination hurts, many people are afraid," explained Bühmann. Some women also have fever or blood in their urine. "Then you do not have to be scared. Blood in the urine is not bad at first, if it ceases as part of the cure of cystitis. "According to the expert cure 80 percent of all bladder infections without medication. Basically, it should be drunk a lot to flush the bacteria from the bladder. It may be two to two and a half liters a day. In addition, you can relieve the symptoms with a hot water bottle on the stomach.

Natural home remedies are often sufficient for therapy
In addition, numerous home remedies for cystitis are available. For example, a tea made of bearberry leaves has a disinfecting effect and slows down the proliferation of bacteria in the urine. Teas that contain birch leaves, juniper or stinging nettle can also help. In addition, many women rely on traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture or phytotherapy. In patients who can withstand the pain, a trial with plenty of hydration and herbal remedies is justified, said Buhmann. Because antibiotics are used too often anyway. "A bladder infection is no more dangerous than a cold," said the urologist.
Tips to prevent cystitis
He pointed out, however, that there is a risk of pyelitis if symptoms such as fever, flank pain and a general feeling of illness are added. Then you should definitely visit a doctor. Prescribed antibiotics must be taken in any case as long as the physician recommends. Bühmann adds some tips to protect against cystitis. So women should take off their wet bikini after bathing, dry themselves well and do not sit on cold ground. From the cold air from an air conditioner you can protect yourself with a sweater and socks. And during condoms, condoms prevent bacteria from getting into the bladder. To flush the bladder, it is recommended to take around two liters of fluid daily. Sometimes, to prevent more common bladder infections, long-term treatment with a urine-disinfecting drug is helpful to kill invading bacteria before the onset of inflammation. "It disinfects and prevents bacteria from multiplying," says Bühmann. (Ad)