Cystitis Simple natural remedies can relieve the symptoms

Women more often affected than men
Many people, especially now, in the cold season, suffer from a bladder infection. Most girls and women are affected by inflammation of the urinary tract, which is often accompanied by urinary symptoms and fever. But even men can get sick and then feel just as a constant urgency and pressure problems in the bladder area. Cystitis is caused by germs. Most of these are colibacteria from the intestine. The fact that women are more often affected by cystitis than men is due to an anatomical difference. The urethra of women is about 4cm shorter and thus more suitable to allow invading bacteria the way up into the bladder.

Urine smells unpleasant
Other factors favoring the development of cystitis include hypothermia, mechanical irritation (such as tight clothing), synthetic underwear (impermeability to air) or frequent sexual intercourse (so-called honeymoon cystitis). In addition, intimal deodorants, chemically treated panty liners or washing lotions can lead to allergic-inflammatory processes. The penetration of the germs into the urethra causes inflammation of the bladder mucosa (cystitis). In severe inflammation, the pain can radiate to the loins and thighs. The urine usually smells unpleasant when a bladder infection and looks cloudy.
Illness is usually more severe in men
With a mild course of the disease are numerous home remedies for cystitis available, with which you can treat yourself. However, if the inflammation does not disappear after two to three days, or complications such as fever, blood in the urine and back and flank pain, a doctor must be consulted immediately. The germs are then usually penetrated to the kidneys and have triggered a kidney infection. Although women are more likely to have cystitis, the disease is usually more severe in men. This also applies to pregnant women, diabetics and children. In severe acute cystitis, the doctor will usually prescribe an antibiotic.
Prevention of cystitis
To prevent cystitis, a lot should be drunk to flush bacteria out of the urinary tract. Synthetic underwear and panty liners promote the proliferation of germs as well as mucous membrane-irritating soaps and intimate sprays. Also avoid "wiping" after defecation towards the vagina and suppressing urinary urgency. Before and after any intercourse, it is advisable to rinse or wash the genital area. Even in warm temperatures, it is important not to stay in a wet bikini or swimsuit after bathing. Also, sitting on cold or wet (stone) soil should be avoided at all costs. When bladder infection begins, warming measures, e.g. Hot water bottle and bed rest. For nutrition, low-salt and spicy food without spices is recommended.
Menopausal women need to be careful
Menopausal women should be extra cautious, because then the protective function of the mucous membrane may be weakened by hormonal imbalances. The natural lactic acid bacteria that protect against infections are lost. Therefore, women should pay special attention during this phase and, if necessary, ask the gynecologist for advice.
Natural home remedies for cystitis
For the treatment of cystitis numerous home remedies from natural medicine are available. For example, stinging nettle tea, bearberry leaves or juniper can have a healing effect. Cranberry also has a special position in natural remedies. Because both preventively, as well as acute after cystitis tablets or capsules with the extract of these North American relatives of our cranberry would help those affected. The preparations, which also contain pumpkin seed extract and vitamin C, are the most suitable as they enhance the effect of the cranberry and their active ingredients encase the bacteria like a mantle so that they can not stick in the mucous membrane of the bladder and kidney and be flushed out with the urine. Numerous clinical studies have demonstrated this effect.

No side effects
In the issue 12/2013, the "Stiftung Warentest" critically examined the effect of the cranberry. Ultimately, the testers came to the conclusion that the study of Cranberry was not yet convincing. Nevertheless, they came to a positive conclusion and wrote: "Nevertheless, they may be worth a try rather than a long-term administration of antibiotics. After all, bacteria should not become resistant to the berries. Another plus: According to the current study evaluation, cranberry products cause no side effects. "(Ad)