Up to 160 euros dividend for TK insured

Up to 160 euros dividend for TK insured / Health News

Techniker Krankenkasse pays its members up to 160 euros


The Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) will distribute a dividend to its members in 2014 due to massive surpluses. According to the decision of the board of directors of the health insurance company, the TK insured persons can look forward to receiving a premium of 80 euros if they are members of the Techniker Krankenkasse on the deadline of 1 January 2014 or 1 December 2014.

Overall, the health insurance wants to pay its members more than half a billion euros, the press release of the TK. Who on one of the deadlines „TK member is and pays contributions, receives once 80 euro.“ According to the information provided by the health insurance, the „first payout of the 2014 dividend already in the first quarter.“ Overall arise „for customers, who were members of TK this year as well, with their check for 2013 so up to 160 Euro“ to dividend, reports the technicians health insurance. However, as the supervisory authority, the Federal Insurance Office still has to approve the decision of the Board of Directors.

In view of the massive surpluses which some statutory health insurance companies have accumulated in recent years, the question of how insured persons can participate in this pleasing financial development was legitimately raised. Here, the Techniker Krankenkasse and some other health insurance companies decided in 2013 to pay dividends, other health insurance companies took the opportunity for an expansion of their services. For example, the costs of homeopathic remedies or treatments for osteopathy have since been taken over by many statutory health insurance funds.

The reports on premium distributions and expansions of the range of services make it clear that the current situation of the statutory health insurance is quite comfortable. Were the insolvencies of individual health insurance companies (for example, City-BKK) went through the media a few years ago and had triggered speculation about a comprehensive cash onset, the statutory health insurance today can score with much more encouraging messages. (Fp)