Until now unknown cause of balding and gray hair discovered

Until now unknown cause of balding and gray hair discovered / Health News
Doctors investigate why our hair turns gray
As men get older, they often get problems with hair loss and gray hair. Of course, there are men who lose their hair at a young age and develop a bald head early. Researchers now found out which cells cause us to ever grow hair and why hair eventually take on a gray color.

UT Southwestern Medical Center's physicians have discovered in their investigation what mechanism is behind balding and the formation of gray hair. The researchers published the results of their study in the journal "Genes & Development".

Researchers have been able to decipher why gray hair is created and why some people suffer from hair loss and the formation of a bald head. (Image: Jacob Lund / fotolia.com)

Breakthrough in combating hair loss achieved?
When it comes to hair, most men are secretly quite vain. Hardly a man wishes that he gets gray hair at a young age or even develops a bald head. So it is hardly surprising that scientists and physicians have long been looking for ways and means to prevent hair loss. Experts now seem to have made a breakthrough in the fight against gray hair and hair loss.

Researchers are finding out which cells are involved in hair growth
Actually, the researchers wanted to find out how certain types of tumors form. "In the end, we were able to find out why hair turns gray and which cells are involved in hair growth," explains Dr. Lu Le of UT Southwestern in a press release. In the future, this knowledge could help to develop ways of delivering the necessary gene to the hair follicles even in problem patients. So then the cosmetic difficulties with the hair should be corrected.

What does KROX20 do??
The researchers found that a protein called KROX20 is actually associated with the development of nerves. In this case, the protein causes skin cells to eventually become hair, the experts say. The cells then produce a specific protein (SCF), which is essential for hair pigmentation.

What happens at a distance from SCF and KROX20??
When the experts cleared the so-called SCF gene in the hair progenitor cells in mouse models, the hair of the animals thereby became white. When they removed the KROX20-producing cells, no hair grew and the mice eventually became bald.

Research on neurofibromatosis type 1 actual research goal
The scientists found the new explanation for the formation of a bald head while studying a disorder called neurofibromatosis type 1. This rare genetic disorder causes tumors to grow, explain the researchers.

It was previously unknown which cells in the hair follicles produce SCF
Researchers already knew that stem cells contained in hair follicles are involved in the formation of hair. In addition, it was known that SCF is important for pigmented cells, explains author Dr. Le. What was not yet known in detail was the effect of the stem cells on the basis of hair follicles and which cells in the hair follicles produce SCF.

Further research is needed
When cells with functioning KROX20 and SCF are present, they interact with pigment-producing melanocyte cells and grow into pigmented hairs. Without SCF, the hair of the mice was gray and later white, explain the scientists. No hair grew at all without KROX20-producing cells. Further research will now investigate whether impairments of KROX20 and the SCF gene may lead to gray hair or thinning of the hair as people age. Le. (As)