Birch pollen flight heralds hay fever

Birch pollen flight heralds hay fever / Health News

Birch pollen flight heralds the hay fever high season


The first birch pollen are on the way. For many hay fever patients, the most strenuous time of the year is now approaching, as many allergic persons react particularly strongly to the birch pollen. How high the pollen load in the different regions of Germany is, can be read online in the various pollen schedules.

After hazel, willow and alder blooms have already passed their peak and triggered the first hay fever reactions this year, birch blossom has now begun. Many people suffering from allergies are facing the hardest time of the year, because most of the hay fever patients are particularly sensitive to both birch pollen and subsequent grass pollen. The suffering of hay fever sufferers has become steadily longer in recent years, as „the global warming of the last 25 years (...) at a significantly longer pollen season in the year“ led the meteorologist Sandra Kannabei told the news agency „dpa“.

Regional pollen load in pollen calendars shown
With the onset of birch pollen, this year's high season for hay fever patients begins. Where the load is as strong as possible can be checked online at any time in the different pollen schedules. For example, the pollen information service operated for years by the Institute of Meteorology of the FU Berlin and the weather service MeteoGroup or the regional forecasts of the German Weather Service (DWD) since the beginning of 2011 are available here.. „Because the flowering of plants in Central Europe may fluctuate for up to six weeks due to weather conditions“ and the concentration of the released pollen depends crucially on the current weather, could „the targeted prevention of pollen allergy sufferers“ through such daily updated Pollenflugkalender „be significantly improved“, emphasized DWD spokesman Gerhard Lux. The pollen harvested by DWD includes not only hazel, alder, birch and grass, but also mugwort and ambrosia. Overall, the pollen schedules for allergy sufferers provide a relatively good opportunity to learn about the current pollen load and to take appropriate preventive measures.

Protective measures against hay fever
Dr. Wolfram Feußner, allergist and specialist for lung and bronchial medicine from Kassel advises the hay fever patients to reduce their personal exposure to heavy pollen due to some protective measures. According to the expert, the windows should be kept closed and opened only if necessary during rain and late evening hours, clothes worn outside should be washed frequently and not stored in the bedroom, and it is not recommended to dry the clothes outdoors. Also, if hay fever patients should go to bed before going to bed in the evening, Dr. med. Feußner. In addition, allergy sufferers should get in time antihistamines from the pharmacy in order to respond immediately in an emergency, said the expert. Certain nasal sprays (prescriptions only) or special eye drops are also recommended here. Feußner. As an insider tip to protect against pollen, the expert advises to rub the nose inside with a little Vaseline and to gargle after getting up with some cooking oil. Those who no longer want to expose themselves to the annually recurring hay fever attacks can also proceed with a long-term targeted immunotherapy against the allergic reactions, explained the allergist.

Alleviation of hay fever in natural medicine
Also in the naturopathy numerous measures are applied, which did not start with the symptoms of the hay fever but at its causes. For example, comprehensive treatment success has already been achieved with herbal therapies, relaxation procedures, magnetic field / bioresonance procedures, autologous blood therapies as well as self-suggestion, acupuncture and homeopathy. If the symptoms of hay fever can not be remedied by a naturopathic treatment, however, a visit to the doctor is recommended in any case, since an untreated hay fever can lead to asthma and other bronchial complaints. (Fp)

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Picture: Günther Richter