Birch pollen has helpers Non-allergenic substances increase allergies

Birch pollen has helpers Non-allergenic substances increase allergies / Health News
Birch Pollen: Non-allergenic ingredients aggravate hay fever
Sneezing, watery eyes, itching: For people with pollen allergy and hay fever, spring is usually a time of suffering. Responsible for the complaints are not only the allergens in the tiny plant particles. As researchers have now found, non-allergenic substances in the pollen aggravate the unpleasant immune response. The new findings could help to improve the allergy therapy.

Allergic reactions due to pollen
According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), hay fever is one of the most common allergic diseases. If the pollen of trees, shrubs, grasses, cereals and herbs touch the mucous membranes of those affected, allergic reactions are triggered. These include watery and itchy eyes, sneezing, a runny or stuffy nose, shortness of breath and even bronchial asthma. In addition, the skin may react and headaches and sleep disorders may occur. Some pollens cause more harm to those affected than others. For example, months ago it was predicted that pollen pollution by birch trees is expected to be extreme this year. As researchers report, it is not just the allergens, but also numerous non-allergenic substances in the pollen that make life difficult for allergy sufferers.

Researchers have discovered that non-allergenic components of birch pollen aggravate the body's uncomfortable defense response. The findings could help to improve the allergy therapy. (Image: onlynuta /

Pollen not only releases allergens
According to a press release, pollen allergy research has long focused on allergens - the components of pollen that trigger hypersensitivity reactions. However, in contact with the nasal mucosa, pollen not only releases allergens but also numerous other substances. Scientists from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and the Helmholtz Center Munich have now investigated the effect of these substances on people with allergies for the first time in a pilot study. They found that non-allergenic components of pollen significantly affect the body's response. The result of the study, published in the journal "Clinical and Experimental Allergy", suggests rethinking common practice in the treatment of allergies.

Most important trigger of the defense reaction
Birch pollen makes life difficult for many people. The main trigger of the defense reaction is, according to the Munich researchers a protein called Bet v 1, the main allergen of the birch. The team led by Prof. Claudia Traidl-Hoffmann from TUM filtered the metabolic products of birch pollen until only non-allergenic low-molecular substances were contained in the extract, ie substances with particularly small molecules. According to the statement, the scientists tested various combinations of allergens and low molecular weight substances with a so-called prick test on the skin of pollen allergic patients and also administered some of the mixtures to the test subjects via the nose.

Reactions in the test much stronger
The result was clear: In both tests, the reactions were significantly stronger when not only the allergen, but also the low molecular weight substances were administered. If they were peeked under the skin, particularly reddening and wheals developed. Acquired via the nose, the mixture caused strong slime formation. In allergic persons, in which only the low-molecular substances were tested, but showed no effect. "It was noticeable that the birch pollen extract was not only effective in subjects who are sensitive to the birch allergen. The effect was also seen in people who were allergic to grass pollen and the corresponding allergen in combination with the birch pollen extract administered via the nose, "it says in the press release.

Interplay of different substances
This can be explained by the fact that many of the low-molecular substances also occur in other pollen. "The inflammatory effect of the low-molecular components is a nonspecific effect that is not related to a particular allergen," said Claudia Traidl-Hoffmann. "We suspect that effects can be detected even in non-allergic people." According to the researchers, birch pollen extract contains about 1,000 different low-molecular substances. Some of the ingredients that potentiate allergic reactions have been identified in previous research. The interaction of various substances also plays an important role in the development and effects of allergies. "The human organism is complex. One can not expect the cause of allergic reactions to break down into a single substance, "explained Traidl-Hoffmann.

Approach to improving allergy therapy
As the experts report, the finding that even non-allergenic substances in pollen have a major impact on the body's response could change the treatment of allergies. In a specific immunotherapy, the hyposensitization to hay fever, doctors today administer a liquid containing pollen with all components. As a result, substances such as the investigated low-molecular-weight substances also enter the organism. "Only 60 to 70 percent of hyposensitization therapies currently work," said Claudia Traidl-Hoffmann. One reason for this could be non-allergenic but pro-inflammatory ingredients that negatively impact treatment. One approach to improving therapy could be vaccination with recombinant, ie biotechnologically produced proteins. You could specifically administer only the allergen, so that the body gets used to it. So far, recombinant protein therapy has only been developed for people allergic to bee and wasp venom. (Ad)