Bipolar disorder often mistaken for depression

Bipolar disorder often mistaken for depression / Health News

Bipolar disorder is often confused with depression: Misdiagnosis leads to treatment errors


Approximately 800,000 people in the Federal Republic suffer from bipolar disorder. The bipolar disorder mistakenly held for depression because only the depressive phases are socially conspicuous. The hypomanic phase, the exuberant part of the disease, which is characterized by creativity, work anger, excessive self-esteem and eccentricity, escapes the attending physicians, however, mostly because the symptoms of those affected are not socially excessive and therefore remain inconspicuous in this phase. This can have far-reaching consequences, as the clinical picture worsens if the bipolar disorder is not recognized as such and treated accordingly.

Mania gene responsible
According to scientists from the University of Bonn and the Central Institute of Mental Health, the mania gene is responsible for these emotional fluctuations at the molecular level „NCAN“. According to the researchers, people with bipolar disorder go through a constant roller coaster of emotions. „In depressive phases they suffer from very depressed mood, diminished drive and often also with suicidal thoughts“, while in the „manic episodes restlessness, euphoria and megalomania“ typical features are, so Professor Andreas Zimmer, Director of the Institute of Molecular Psychiatry, and Professor Markus M. Nöthen, Director of the Institute of Human Genetics of the University of Bonn. Together with the experts around Prof. Dr. med. Marcella Rietschel of the Central Institute for Mental Health in Mannheim could prove the researchers in their comprehensive study, „how the NCAN gene is involved in the development of mania.“ Although it was known earlier, according to Prof. Nöthen, that „the NCAN gene has a significant influence on the development of bipolar disorder“, but the functional relationship has remained unclear.

Increased suicidal risk in depressive phase
If bipolar disorder is not recognized and only depression is treated, this can be fatal. The phases occur more and more violently at ever shorter intervals, and there are more and more suicidal thoughts, which often result in a suicide attempt on the part of the patient. At least a third of those affected agree. Hemingway, Schumann and Woolf are famous examples of this. The only way out is to make an accurate diagnosis, even though there is a very high probability that depressive episodes will occur. Ultimately, only a quick and correct treatment of the disease helps, only then can the number of outbreaks be significantly reduced. The symptom-free periods between phases become longer and one third of those affected can even live completely without discomfort. (Jp)

Image: Petra Bork