Organic products What is behind the quality seals?

Organic products What is behind the quality seals? / Health News
Consumer Initiative provides information on organic labels
Organic products are very popular with consumers, not least because most people hope for health benefits from the lower pollution levels. Here, organic foods offer similar conditions overall. If you are more interested in the environmentally conscious, sustainable production method, you can be guided by the various quality labels. The Consumer Initiative explains the importance of each seal.

The orientation with the numerous different quality seals can certainly cause difficulties. Is there enough EU organic logo and what is behind Naturland, Demeter, Bioland or new territory? The Consumers Initiative has put together an overview of the different labels, which explain the most important labels.

The German organic seal was introduced in 2001 and stands for food from controlled organic agriculture. (Image: ferkelraggae /

Organic seal and EU organic logo
The German organic seal was introduced in 2001 for the labeling of foodstuffs originating from controlled organic farming. According to the Consumers Initiative, producers, processors, traders and importers can print the label on labels "if the product complies with EU organic requirements." EU-wide legislation would guarantee uniform minimum organic farming standards , Since July 2010, however, the new EU organic label has been mandatory for all packaged organic products produced in the European Union. However, the German organic seal can still be used as well as regional or private logos. The organic farms in Germany are controlled by state-approved private inspection bodies, whereby the inspection authorities are supervised by the state authorities. "The organic label stands for controlled production and organic production", the ingredients of agricultural origin, for example, must come from at least 95 percent organic farming, the consumer initiative. However, the guidelines of organic farming associations such as Bioland, Naturland and Demeter go well beyond these regulations.

Organic organic farming products can be labeled with the Bioland label, with Bioland being one of the leading organic farming associations in Germany. For example, maintaining the soil and maintaining long-term soil fertility also plays an important role in production, according to the Consumer Communication Initiative. The ecological economy is based on a circular economy - without synthetic pesticides and chemical-synthetic nitrogen fertilizers. A species-appropriate attitude of the animals is required and the food must be processed gently. The guidelines go well beyond the statutory EU criteria. "To be allowed to use the sign, all areas and production lines of the companies must be managed in accordance with the valid award criteria," reports the Verbraucher Initiative. A check on compliance with the criteria is carried out at least once a year by independent control officers of Bioland. In addition, once a year, inspections would be carried out by EC control bodies.

According to the consumers, the Demeter label identifies the initiative "agri-biodynamic agricultural products", with Demeter representing a high ecological standard for the production and processing of organic agricultural products for more than 80 years. Again, the guidelines go far beyond the statutory EU requirements. Within a maximum of five years, the entire operation must be converted. Compliance with the criteria will be achieved by the Demeter-Bund e. V. and checked by so-called service spade. In addition, once a year, inspections are carried out by an EC inspection body. Overall, the label ensures a high degree of credibility through independent controls and the involvement of various stakeholder groups, the consumer initiative reports.

The Naturland label can be used to label products from certified organic horticulture, with high ecological requirements for horticulture that go far beyond the EU standard. In horticultural production a holistic approach should be guaranteed, which is why the Naturland label is awarded only after a successfully completed conversion period of at least two years by the recognition committee. The basis of the signing is the observance of the Naturland guidelines for organic horticulture and this is controlled at least once a year for notified or unannounced company visits by representatives of Naturland, according to the Consumer Communication Initiative. In addition, there are once a year inspections by an EC inspection body.

Further quality seals
Numerous other quality labels are used to label certain foods, such as the NEULAND logo, for meat and meat products that come from an animal friendly and environmentally friendly livestock farming or the Ecovin label, which marks wine from organically grown grapes. For example, the marine stewardship council seal (MSC) stands for fish and fish products from environmentally sound fisheries. Overall, the seals of approval provide a good opportunity for orientation, provided that consumers are aware of what lies behind each sign. (Fp)