Cheap sunscreens are test winners

Cheap sunscreens are test winners / Health News

Good sun protection also from the discounter


Sufficient sun protection is currently particularly important in sunny weather conditions. According to Stiftung Warentest, the motto is: „Much helps a lot“. Pleasing, therefore, that even good sunscreen need not cost much. In a test of 20 sunscreens, the low-priced products from the discounter also performed well.

In the investigation of Stiftung Warentest, the cost-effective sunscreens were almost consistently convincing and even reached the top positions. The six best products of the 20 sunscreen creams, protective sprays and protective oils tested came from the discounter. A good sunscreen is already available for a few euros.

High price of sunscreen
Without adequate sun protection, sunburns quickly threaten the sunny weather, which in turn significantly increases the risk of skin cancer in the long term. Therefore, on the one hand, dermatologists recommend that you avoid staying in the sun for as long as possible and, on the other hand, use appropriate sunscreen. However, these can vary greatly in terms of both quality and price, as confirmed by the results of the current investigation by Stiftung Warentest. Here, the price range of the examined products was between 1.20 Euro and 20 Euro per 100 milliliters of sunscreen. But the cheap sunscreen oils, sunscreen sprays, sunscreen lotions and creams were often in the lead in terms of quality. The results of the investigation were in the current issue of the magazine „test“ released.

Sunscreen products from the discounter reach top rankings
Most of the twenty screened sunscreens convinced the testers. A total of 14 times the grade „Well“ forgive. The top rankings went to the products from the discounter, as they also performed particularly well in terms of moisturizing the skin, so the Stiftung Warentest on. Four sunscreen products were only received by the testers „sufficient“, because in some cases there were difficulties in their applicability and in some remedies germs could easily multiply. The applicability of the criticized products suffered especially at high temperatures, because the funds were too thin and could no longer be applied properly to the skin. The proliferation of germs, however, according to testers, an indication of insufficient preservation.

Deficiencies in applicability and germ multiplication
Two of the sunscreens tested did not meet the requirements of adequate sun protection because they protect against the UVB rays of sunlight, but not sufficiently shield the UVA rays. For this there was one of the testers „inadequate“. With regard to the shielding of the UVB rays, however, according to the Stiftung Warentest, all products lived up to the claim of the SPF 30. Even with the skin compatibility could convince all sunscreen. According to the testers, the full-bodied advertising promises on some products, such as: „With DNA or cell protection“ or „Activates the natural tanning“. (Fp)

Read about:
Cheap sunscreen as well as expensive
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Test: Cheap sun creams at best
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Prevent sunburn: but how?
First aid with sunburn
UV rays: Unconditional protection against sunburn
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Image: Manfred Walker