Lack of exercise is the greatest risk to the heart

Lack of exercise is the greatest risk to the heart / Health News

Lack of exercise in women over 30 is the greatest risk to the heart


For women over the age of 30, cardiovascular diseases such as coronary heart disease (CHD) are usually still far away. The Federal Association of Established Cardiologists (BNK) in Munich, however, points in the light of a new study, that already at this age, the risk for women, the heart disease increases. Lack of exercise is therefore the biggest risk factor for the heart.

In women over 30, the most common cause of physical inactivity is coronary heart disease
„In general, obesity, smoking, and high blood pressure, in addition to physical inactivity, are among the major risk factors for the development of coronary heart disease“, reports Norbert Smetak, Chairman of the Federal Association of Established Cardiologists (BNK). „Now, a study has shown that lack of exercise in women over the age of 30 still leads to overweight, smoking and high blood pressure to most coronary heart disease.“ According to the study, smoking is the biggest risk factor for younger women under the age of 30. „Tobacco use is still very common in this age group, but many women happily stop smoking in their late twenties, "explains Smetak.

Women over 30 can greatly reduce risk of heart disease with exercise
According to the study, the im „British Journal of Sports Medicine“ However, women over the age of 30 can protect themselves from coronary heart disease with sufficient exercise. „For many women, work, family and children mean that they move less and less as they get older. In doing so, 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise per week would be enough to prevent CHD disease - for example, work 50 minutes (or six times 25 minutes) three times a week in the garden, swimming, walking, or even playing golf, "Smetak advises.

With a KHK it comes to the fat and connective tissue deposition in the coronary vessels. As a result, these narrow to the complete closure. As a result, the heart muscle tissue is no longer sufficiently supplied with blood and supplied with nutrients and oxygen, so that it begins to die. Then it comes to a heart attack.