Lack of exercise more dangerous than overweight

Lack of exercise more dangerous than overweight / Health News


Lack of exercise more dangerous than overweight. But already 20 minutes daily brisk walking can significantly prolong life. This resulted in a recent scientific study.

Dangerous inertia
According to a study by the University of Cambridge, physical inactivity could be responsible for more deaths than obesity ("Lack of exercise responsible for twice as many deaths as obesity"). Data were evaluated over a period of 12 years from more than 334,000 women and men.

Twice the risk
The study found 676,000 deaths per year in Europe due to lack of exercise, while overweight accounted for 337,000 people as the cause of death.

Movement requires life
Although obesity and physical inactivity often go hand in hand, even lean people who move too little have an increased health risk. On the other hand, obese people who exercise regularly reduce their risk of illness considerably and are healthier than balanced persons without appropriate exercise.

If the lack of exercise could be remedied in principle, the death toll in Europe would decrease by approximately 7.5%, that is, over 670,000 deaths. To eliminate obesity would, according to the researchers, mean about 3.6% fewer deaths. (Pm)

Picture: neroli