Vocational rehab instead of early retirement
The social association VdK demands more vocational rehabilitation for mentally ill workers
The VdK social association describes it as "alarming" that more and more employees have to retire prematurely because of a mental illness. VdK President Ulrike Mascher: "If last year 71 000 men and women had to apply for a disability pension because of mental illness and the average age of those affected at retirement only 48.3 years, then the policy must not resign can be done to give these people a second start in working life through targeted medical and vocational rehabilitation, so the rehabilitation budget should not be capped or even cut back. "
The VdK also welcomes the decision of the Federal Council last Friday to stop the planned reform of unemployment benefits for the time being. Mascher: "The bill of the federal government worsens the chances of integration in the labor market also for people with health problems."
The VdK advocated stronger promotion of integration companies, which are an effective link between the first and the second labor market. In these companies, especially people with mental illnesses could find their way back into work and everyday life through professional guidance and socio-pedagogical support, and this on agreed or customary terms. The aim of the integration companies is the permanent professional integration of people with health restrictions. (Michael Pausder)