Excess of the body's own cannabis produces diabetes

Endocannabinoids are cannabis-like substances that are formed by the body itself and are involved in many developmental steps, such as e.g. the development of the nervous system in the embryo play an important role. But if there is a surplus in the blood, it could potentially negatively impact the unborn child's pancreas, increasing the risk of diabetes. This is the conclusion of a study by the Medical University of Vienna, which has now been published in the "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America" (PNAS).
Substance helps to regulate many physiological processes
The so-called "endocannabinoids" are endogenous messenger substances that bind to the same receptors as cannabis. Since its discovery in the early 1990s, the substance has been considered a "multi-talent" because it has been involved in the regulation of many physiological processes, such as birth, from birth. fertility, development of the central nervous system or the perception of pain is involved, according to the MedUni Vienna.

Endocannabinoids may "program" pancreas
Now, researchers from the University of Vienna have been able to gain further insight into the "jack of all trades" as part of a study. Thus, the endocannabinoids may also be able to "program" the pancreas of unborn babies. This is due to the fact that the messenger substances during the formation of the glandular organ could affect both the composition and the size of the "Langerhans Islands". These regulate the concentration of glucose in the blood ("blood sugar level") through the release of insulin and glucagon.
"In our experiments, the island cells were modulated by the addition of molecules that regulate the endocannabinoid signaling almost ad libitum and formed functioning pancreatic cell clusters," first author Katarzyna Malenczyk is quoted by the MedUni.
Decreased concentration due to omega-3 fatty acids
Accordingly, an excessive level of endocannabinoids in the blood could later lead to problems in the processing of glucose - which would therefore increase the risk of diabetes for the child. The remedy, however, could provide the intake of unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, the university continues. Because the e.g. essential substances contained in fish oil could help reduce endocannabinoid levels in both the expectant mother and the child and develop a healthy pancreas.
"This new understanding will certainly help us to develop strategies for the timely repair of delayed or failed pancreatic development. And it will also accelerate the pharmacological development of effective drugs. In any case, the therapeutic potential is great [...], "says Tibor Harkany. (No)