Breaking down excess pounds The good ones are to be distinguished from the bad carbohydrates

Low carb diets are trendy. This should be able to lose weight particularly effectively, after all, carbohydrates are regarded as fattening. But that's not entirely true: the deciding factor is not the amount of carbohydrates that you consume, but the type. Experts explain how to distinguish good from bad carbohydrates.
Lose weight with less carbohydrates
For years, the debate has raged about whether less fat or fewer carbohydrates are better suited to getting rid of excess pounds. Various scientific studies have shown that low-carb performs better than low-fat. If such a diet is too extreme, it can be dangerous. Because the renunciation of carbohydrates can even affect life expectancy. In addition, studies show that not the amount is crucial, it depends on the type of carbohydrates.

It depends on the type of sugar molecules
Carbohydrates are part of a balanced diet. The German Nutrition Society (DGE) writes: "Fats and carbohydrates play the most important role in meeting energy requirements. A wholesome mixed diet should contain limited amounts of fat and more than 50% of the carbohydrate energy intake. "
You should not miss carbohydrates. What many do not immediately realize is that not only bread, pasta and rice contain carbohydrates, but also many other foods such as fruits, dairy products or vegetables.
And lots of it is contained in sweets and sodas. Carbohydrates are nothing more than sugar molecules.
Professionals distinguish carbohydrates according to the type of sugar molecules that make them up: carbohydrates are the more complex the longer the molecular chain is.
Slower rise in blood sugar levels
Grape and fructose consist only of one, milk and cane sugar from two sugar molecules. The starch or cellulose occurring in plant foods, on the other hand, are so-called multiple sugars due to the long sugar chains.
They are healthier for the body than the simple carbohydrates, as explained in a message from the dpa news agency.
Because: "The longer the chain of sugar molecules, the longer the body needs to dissect them and take them into the bloodstream," said Stefan Kabisch, a doctor at the German Institute for Nutritional Research (DIFE) according to dpa.
This brings with it some advantages. For example, whole grains increase blood sugar more slowly than a chocolate bar. Food cravings are prevented because insulin also affects satiety.
After a sweet that quickly raises blood sugar levels, you'll have a quicker appetite for wholegrain bread - even though you're eating the same amount of calories.
The self-employed Oecotrophologin Gunda Backes explains according dpa: "In connection with short-chain sugars is therefore sometimes referred to by empty carbohydrates."
Carbohydrates from vegetables, fruits and whole grains
Another advantage: whole grains, vegetables and fruits contain fiber, which among other things stimulate digestion.
And: "They not only support the intestinal function, they also reduce the risk of colorectal cancer, high blood pressure or abnormal obesity," explains Prof. Hans Hauner from the Else Kröner-Fresenius Center for Nutritional Medicine at the Technical University of Munich in the agency report.
Carbohydrates from vegetables, fruits and whole grains are therefore the "better" carbohydrates that should be integrated into our diet. According to Hauner, it is not in the sense of a balanced diet to completely dispense with certain food groups.
"In nutritional medicine, we have avoided telling people what to eat and how much to eat," says the expert.
Nevertheless, there are a few basic rules: with vegetables and fruits you can eat as much as you like, with cereals like bread and pasta better whole-grain products should be chosen. Eat sweets sparingly and do not drink sweetened drinks as much as possible.
Gunda Backes has another piece of advice: "Those who prepare their own food, especially fresh, avoid unnecessary sugar in finished products". Homemade food tastes best anyway. (Ad)