Being overweight in children increases the risk of type 2 diabetes later in life
Overweight is generally associated with a lot of health problems. Researchers now found that obesity and childhood obesity are associated with a significantly increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
The researchers from King's College London found in their study that obesity and childhood obesity put them at particular risk for their health. Affected children have an increased chance of developing type 2 diabetes later in life. The physicians published the results of their study in the journal "Journal of the Endocrine Society".
More and more young children are having problems with their weight today. The increased body weight can lead to a variety of negative health effects. Physicians found that especially the risk for the development of type 2 diabetes increases. (Photo: kwanchaichaiudom / fotolia.comA normal weight in childhood leads to a happier and fitter life
Experts have long believed that children with normal and healthy body weight generally tend to feel happier and much fitter in later life. Their risk of developing lifestyle-based diseases is significantly lower compared to overweight children.
Increased childhood weight can lead to decreased self-esteem
Excessive body weight during childhood can expose your child to a variety of health problems. Not only does the increased weight have an impact on a baby's development, it can also lead to bullying and reduced self-esteem, say the experts.
What should parents pay particular attention to in the lifestyle of their children??
As a parent, however, there are many ways to ensure a healthy lifestyle for your child. Children should eat balanced meals containing all sorts of macronutrients and micronutrients, the doctors advise. Parents should also make sure that children do not just spend their free time watching TV and playing video games. Better promote so-called outdoor activities. In addition, you should make sure that your child sleeps enough and does not eat too much.
How much is the risk of developing type 2 diabetes increased?
A child with obesity has a fourfold increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes later in life, say the scientists. For the study, the team examined the BMI, diabetes diagnostic records and other relevant data from 369,362 children between the ages of two and 15 years. Criteria for determining obesity in this study were dependent on the age group of the child, say the scientists.
Type 2 diabetes rates have risen massively in children
Nearly 654 children and adolescents were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes between 1994 and 2013, say the British researchers. The rate of children developing type 2 diabetes today has increased dramatically in recent years, the authors warn. However, as expected, the researchers found no association between obesity and the incidence of type 1 diabetes associated with underlying autoimmune disease.
Make sure your children have a healthy lifestyle
The risk of diabetes in children with obesity is four times that of those affected by diabetes at the age of 25, compared to children of normal weight, explains author Ali Abbasi of King's College London. We should try to change the lifestyle of children to protect them from obesity and later negative effects. (As)