Already young people have a fatty liver

Already young people have a fatty liver / Health News

Obesity favors fatty liver already in adolescents


Unhealthy diet and obesity are widespread risk factors for the development of fatty liver, according to the Gastro-Liga in Gießen on the occasion of the 13th German Liver Day on 20 November. By no means only adults are at risk. Thick adolescents are also at an increased risk of developing fatty liver disease later in life. Peter Galle, Member of the Board of the Gastro-Liga.

The combination of lack of exercise and unhealthy diet favors the development of fatty liver or the storage of over 50 percent fat in the liver of many obese people. According to the experts, around half of obese people in Germany suffer from fatty liver, although adolescents are increasingly affected. To reduce the risk for children and adolescents, parents should, according to Professor Peter Galle therefore counteract early on and pay attention to a healthy diet and sufficient exercise of children. The motivation to do regular sports activities and to travel more ways with a bicycle should be mentioned here as a positive approach. It is also important to ensure the most balanced diet possible.

Fatty liver due to lack of exercise and extremely high calorie diet
Although fatty liver disease is usually reversible, those affected may be at risk of developing other liver diseases such as fatty hepatitis, liver cirrhosis or even liver cancer. Also, the fatty liver patients are at increased risk of stroke and heart attack, reports the gastro-league. Therefore, healthy nutrition and a lot of exercise should be an issue already at school. Peter bile. Today, however, it is easier to eat unhealthy than to pay attention to healthy food, criticized the physician. Industrially processed and immediately suitable for consumption extremely calorie-containing food, are usually cheaper and faster on the table as a healthy balanced diet of salad, vegetables or fruit.

Diabetes increases the risk of fatty liver
Obesity increases the risk of fatty liver, both directly and indirectly. Thus, overweight not only favors directly the storage of fat in the organ, but it also increases the risk of diabetes. Diabetes is also considered a major risk factor for the development of fatty liver. According to the experts, around 50 percent of diabetics suffer from fatty liver. The growing prevalence of weight problems in adolescents is also viewed very critically by the medical profession against this background.

Arterial calcification in children and adolescents due to overweight?
The health risks of obesity in children and adolescents also corroborate several studies that were presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Pediatric Radiology in Dusseldorf, according to yesterday's release of the German Roentgen Society in Berlin. Pediatric radiologists could „On the basis of ultrasound examinations of the carotid artery show that in childhood obesity on the blood vessels pathological changes - arteriosclerosis or colloquial arteriosclerosis - arise“, reports the German Roentgen Society. According to the information provided by the society, every seventh child in Germany is overweight, about every fifteenth is considered obese (obese).

Risk factors reversible when lifestyle changes are reversed
The experts of the German Roentgen Society explained that „Arterial calcification is the leading cause of heart attack and stroke in adulthood“ is. The harmful calcifications of the arteries arise above all, „if certain risk factors exist, for example high blood pressure, lipid metabolism disorders or a diabetes mellitus“, so the message of the X-ray company. In severely obese children, such risk factors are often observed at an early age. The only positive news, according to the medical profession, is that the risk factors are often reversible, thus customer successes are also reflected in the condition of the vessel walls. (Fp)

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