Already in full swing Attention Pollen count starts earlier again

Already in full swing Attention Pollen count starts earlier again / Health News
Bald pollen flight: After the end of the cold, the hay fever season begins
People who suffer from pollen allergy are spared. But after the end of the cold spell, the hay fever season will begin in some regions of Germany. Early treatment can relieve the symptoms.

From the middle of the month, hazelnuts fly
It has been evident for years that pollen fly earlier and earlier. Although allergy sufferers were spared in January thanks to the cold, but after the end of the cold spell, the pollen-flight start is expected, among others in Bavaria. The Health Minister of the Free State, Melanie Huml, pointed this out. The first hazel pollen could be on the way from mid-February, said the CSU politician.

As early as the middle of the month, the first pollen will fly in parts of Germany. Allergy sufferers should take care of their treatment in good time. (Image: djoronimo /

Early treatment relieves symptoms
"Pollen allergy sufferers should therefore take their doctor prescribed anti-allergic drugs in time at the recommended dosage," explained Huml, according to a statement from the Ministry.

"These drugs can not cure an allergy. But early and targeted treatment helps to get the symptoms under control. Those affected are also advised against strenuous outdoor sports activities during heavy pollen. "

Every fifth adult German affected
According to the information, about every fifth adult in Germany suffers from hay fever. The State Office for Health and Food Safety (LGL) assumes that in Bavaria alone over two million people are affected by an allergy or are hypersensitive to certain substances, including around 330,000 children and adolescents.

About 490,000 adults and about 85,000 children and teenagers suffer from bronchial asthma.

Untreated allergy can lead to asthma
"If an allergy goes untreated, it increases the risk of it leading to asthma. Generally, about 40 percent of untreated allergic patients have chronic bronchial asthma after eight years, "said Huml, who is a doctor herself.

"It is therefore important to have a close-up look at hay fever symptoms such as dripping nose and itchy eyes, shortness of breath or coughing. Unfortunately, despite intensive research, it has not been possible so far to correct the malfunction of the immune system and to cure an allergy, "said the Minister of Health.

Hyposensitization and home remedies
According to experts, those affected should, where appropriate, use treatment options such as so-called hyposensitization, in which the allergic reaction is to be overcome by regular contact with the allergens.

As a home remedy for hay fever, among other nasal douches offer, are flushed through the pollen and dirt particles from the nose.

Predicting the expected pollen concentrations
Statistically, the pollen count of the hazel begins in early March. After that, the pollen from alder and birch fly every two weeks. "In other states are already some hazelnuts on the way," added Huml.

On the website of the German Weather Service (DWD), in cooperation with the German Pollen Information Service (PID), the expected pollen concentrations in the air are displayed. (Ad)