Even the small pat on the butt harms the parenting

Even the small pat on the butt harms the parenting / Health News
The so-called pat on the butt does not improve the manners, it even worsens them
Nursery education is not always easy and there are many different ways of thinking about how to raise a child. Scientists now find that a pat on the butt does not make their child develop better manners. Rather the opposite is the case.

Researchers found in a study that pediatric corporal punishment in children in no way leads to the development of better manners in the offspring. Such education does not lead to better behavior but causes the children to continue developing bad behaviors, researchers from the University of Texas and the University of Michigan report. The physicians published the results of their current study on the subject in the journal "Journal of Family Psychology".

Researchers found that beating in child care has negative consequences. Such measures do not improve the manners of the children. They tend to lead to defiance, aggression, mental and cognitive difficulties. (Image: Kitty / fotolia.com)

Negative results in education
Researchers from the University of Texas and the University of Michigan analyzed 75 studies involving more than 150,000 children involved in their new study. The studies covered the last 50 years. That's a lot of kids and the results are incredibly consistent, says lead author Dr. Elizabeth Gershoff. The research shows that there is a correlation between corporal punishment and negative educational outcomes, and there is absolutely no correlation between physical activity and positive outcomes, the physician adds. Batting on the buttocks does not lead to immediate better behavior and in the long run even worsens the children's behavior. In addition, affected children are often more aggressive and anti-social in later life, Dr. Gershoff.

Eighty-five percent of children still get beatings today
Ironically, parents often use bumps on their buttocks when their children behave aggressively. As a result, the children think it's possible to use whipping to get what they want, the researchers say. At the present time there are some parents who rate beating as an outdated educational technique. Yet, in many households, corporal punishment is still a standard practice, Dr. Gershoff. Other research has shown that at the time when most children attend secondary education, at least 85 percent have been physically punished. So most children are still being beaten up in their education, Dr. Gershoff. The type and amount of punishment may have changed, and nowadays parents rarely use objects such as belts, rods or wooden spoons to chastise their children. But beatings are still an active part of most educations, adds the physician.

Beating in education leads to defiance, aggression, mental and cognitive problems
Some people beat up their children because they were beaten as children themselves. So to speak, the behavior was passed on from generation to generation, explain the scientists. Others do it because their religion teaches them that such education is alright. Certainly the views on beating in education are diverging. Thus, the investigation focused on what most Americans would call a beating and not on potentially abusive behaviors. Gershoff. She defined spanking as an open hand stroke on the buttocks or other extremities. These could be linked to 13 of 17 negative effects. The effects included, for example, defiant responses to the parents, aggression, mental health problems, and cognitive difficulties, Dr. Gershoff.

Children should learn to interact with other people in a positive and productive way
The sound approach to good parenting is not a single technique. There are a variety of behaviors that parents should consider, counsel the medical profession. In general, a good relationship should exist between children and parents, and parents should reward the child if they are doing the right thing, explains Drs. Gershoff. Some parents would fear that they are too soft and their children will consider them weaklings if they do not use spanking in education. Parents can also educate non-violently and still have high expectations, the researcher continues. Parents do not have to beat their kids to show them who is in charge, the author adds. The goal should be to teach children the difference between right and wrong, the experts explain.

"We should teach them that they should always deal with other people in a positive and productive way. This should become a golden rule that accompanies our children through their entire lives. Parents should be role models, "the authors emphasize. So behave the way you want your children to behave later. Society is becoming more and more irritable and more violent, so we should try to minimize this negative impact of our culture on our children, the researchers add. (As)