Already from the 40.Lebensjahr the ears become larger and the penis smaller

Already from the 40.Lebensjahr the ears become larger and the penis smaller / Health News

As we get older, our body changes
The body changes as we get older. And not for the benefit. The first visible are gray hair - these are even considered "sexy" in men. Wrinkles, fat deposits and decreasing agility are further signs of the aging process. It gets really uncomfortable when the ears grow and the penis shrinks. We show why this is so and how to at least slow down the process.

As the ears grow, the best piece of man shrinks. Picture: sasun Bughdaryan

The older we get, the more our body changes. The most obvious feature is gray hair. They show us that the aging process is unstoppable. But that is not the only sign. Wrinkles, more and more accumulation of fat and decreasing agility are further indications that we are changing. In addition, there are other, sometimes curious signs of aging, which people expect us to grow older.

For example, our ears grow and the male penis shrinks. Many people are scared, this is part of the "normal aging". Big feet and ears, barely neck, small penis, a lot of belly and no hair, it all comes as we get older.

Aging is an ugly idea for most people. And yet we experience it every day, every week and every year. Our body is changing. It is not necessarily just about the physical limitations, but also about physical changes. However, some of these changes will be unknown. These, often bizarre, are presented in this article.

The older we get, the smaller we get. Already from the age of 40 we have to lose about one centimeter of our height each decade. This means that we will be around five centimeters shorter in the 80th year of life than we were at the height of our lives. The older we get, the more fluid we lose.

Smaller penis, changed sexuality
In addition to the loss of height, men also threaten a loss of their penis length. That's because the muscle cells get less as you age. Thus, the penis is less and less filled with blood. As a result, the "best piece" loses its elasticity and no longer reaches its original size in the erected state. Therefore, there is also the impression that the penis "does not get really stiff anymore". In addition, impotence threatens, which, however, can be controlled by drugs such as Viagra. With enlargement of the prostate, the loss of muscles on the pelvic floor, it becomes harder to come to a climax. The men have to work harder. This changes sexuality. It requires more time and attention in old age.

More fat accumulation in the body 
In men and women increase the accumulation of fat. A formerly slender waist changes increasingly - even without increased energy intake - to a larger waist. Again, the dwindling muscle mass is responsible. With less movement and lower energy conversion, the upholstery gets bigger and bigger. The only aids, however, are regular exercise and an adapted diet. More moving and less food is the motto. On the other hand, a few pounds more help bolster up the wrinkles. The art is to find the right balance.

Hair from the ears, no hair on the head
For men, things get really bad. The male hormone testosterone inhibits hair growth on the head. But in the opposite way, the hair growth in the face and the rest of the body is promoted. So the hair grows in the most impossible places, like the ears, the nose or the back. Not only men are affected by this. Even women have to deal with the extra hair.

Big ears
Everyone knows the fairy tale of the grandmother with the big ears. What Little Red Riding Hood asks is unfortunately a reality. In fact, the ears grow in older people. Responsible for this is the reduced fat layer between cartilage and skin. Thus, the former solid connection relaxed and the ears are getting bigger.

Plate and bigger feet
Shoes that fit a while ago may soon become very uncomfortable. But the feet also suffer from aging symptoms over time. Because they have worn people everywhere for a long time. This makes them plumper, longer and wider. The elasticity of muscles and tendons decreases steadily. The feet are getting longer.

A neck that disappears
Because the streamlined contours fade from the younger days, the contours between the neck and chin also blur. In cosmetics, this is called the "Truthanhals". It is a combination of fat, chin and collagen-poor skin. Thus, the elasticity of the skin and neck is steadily decreasing. Sport is the only chance to slow down the process. More muscle means more elasticity and resilience. (Sb)