Already 142 dead by MRSA germs

Already 142 dead by MRSA germs / Health News

Lower Saxony: 142 dead by multi-resistant germs


Since the beginning of 2009, 142 deaths in Lower Saxony have been attributed to infections with multidrug-resistant so-called MRSA germs. This is clear from data of the state health department of Lower Saxony (NLGA). Last year alone, 528 MRSA infections were detected.

Registration requirement in Lower Saxony since 2009
In Lower Saxony, since the beginning of reporting in 2009, a total of 142 deaths have been attributed to infections with multidrug-resistant so-called MRSA germs. This reported the „New Osnabrück newspaper“ (NOZ), citing information from the State Health Department of Lower Saxony (NLGA). Accordingly, since the introduction of the obligation to notify MRSA in mid-2009, a total of 2,114 infections have been reported to the State Health Office Hannover. According to the report, 528 MRSA infections and 26 deaths were detected in Lower Saxony alone in 2013.

Two-thirds of those over 70 years
MRSA are staphylococcal pathogens that are resistant to all common market available beta-lactam antibiotics such as penicillin and only to the treatment with so-called „Reserve antibiotics“ speak to. Increased danger exists for people with a weakened immune system. An infection can lead to various symptoms such as inflammation, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting or blood poisoning. MRSA are relatively common in hospitals, rehabilitation facilities and nursing homes, and are also a significant problem here. Especially dangerous are the germs for the elderly. In the past year, two-thirds of the patients had been 70 or older. In NLGA the development of resistance of bacteria is observed.

Trend will continue
Although the proportion of resistant bacteria in some pathogens, such as the well-known MRSA, is slightly declining, the number of intestinal bacteria resistant to several antibiotics has been increasing significantly for several years. „I assume that this trend will continue“, Matthias Pulz, head of the NLGA opposite the NOZ. The expert called for additional efforts to improve hospital hygiene and a more targeted prescription of antibiotics. In this context, the authorities criticized the improper use of antibiotics, which favors the development of resistance to pathogens.

Too many antibiotics are prescribed
The head of the Osnabrück health service, Gerhard Bojara, told the NOZ: „If we do not rethink soon, we will not get the problem under control.“ Here, the expert is especially the prescribing practice of antibiotics in the outpatient area a thorn in the eye: „Far too many antibiotics are prescribed. Especially in the winter time viral colds are mistakenly treated with antibiotics. This is a general education problem in the German medical profession“, so Bojara.


Image: Matthias M, Wikipedia