136 influenza deaths - Current flu epidemic particularly severe

136 influenza deaths - Current flu epidemic particularly severe / Health News

The influenza is in high season

Influenza activity increased significantly in the seventh calendar week of 2018 compared to the previous week. This emerges from the current weekly report of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) on influenza activity in Germany. A total of 23,379 new laboratory-confirmed influenza cases were reported during the week. This means that 82,038 cases have been confirmed since the onset of the flu epidemic. So far, 136 people have been affected by influenza in this flu season. 86 percent of those affected were 60 years old or older.

In addition, 75% of influenza B viruses are the most frequently identified influenza viruses this season. H1N1 influenza A viruses account for 21 percent and H3N2 for influenza A viruses four percent. The focus is currently in the east and south of Germany. The over 82,000 cases are laboratory-confirmed cases. However, since pathogen samples are not examined by every patient, a significantly higher number of unreported cases is probable. The number of fatalities could be higher, as a possible cause of influenza can often no longer be detected in the case of bacterial pneumonia as the cause of death.

The flu epidemic does not subside and again reaches a peak in new cases this season. (Image: auremar / fotolia.com)

What to do if it caught you?

First, of course, you should go to the doctor and follow the medical advice. In support of this there are a number of home remedies for flu that can help with flu-like infections and colds. The strengthening of the immune system plays an important role here. So:

  • Sleep a lot
  • Much rest
  • A lot of heat
  • Lots of vitamin C.
  • Little stress
  • No cigarettes
  • Little saying
  • Relieve symptoms

    Hot teas and warm chicken soup have been proven many times to relieve the symptoms. Cold fevers can help with fever over 39 degrees Celsius. However, these should not be used on people who have chills, are already cold, have cold hands and feet despite fever, or who have arterial disease. In addition, any physical activity such as sport should be avoided. Even if heat is generally good, activities such as sauna sessions, where you sweat a lot and then cool down quickly, should be avoided altogether.

    More tips

    Herbal teas, water mixed with iodine tincture and steam inhalations with thyme or sage can help as a home remedy for colds. Natural home remedies for cough are warm potato wraps on the chest and inhalations with chamomile flowers and thyme for persistent irritant cough. Teas from fennel, plantain or cowslip have also proven themselves. In addition, should be taken with flu, not to sleep too cold. The temperature in the bedroom should not fall below 18 degrees Celsius. (Vb)