Belgian semi-hard cheese loaded with listeria

Recall for Belgian cut cheese due to contained Listeria
Due to contained Listeria was a recall for Belgian cut cheese of the brand „Nazareth Classics“ started by the manufacturer Belgomilk CVBA. Listeria can trigger the highly contagious infectious disease listeriosis.
The Belgian producer Belgomilk CVBA has increased Listeria values in the brand's semi-finished cheese at its own inspections „Nazareth Classics“ proved and warned consumers against consumption. A corresponding recall was initiated, according to the statement of the Ministry of Consumer Protection North Rhine-Westphalia on Saturday.
Cut cheese recalled because of Listeria strain
The cut cheese is affected by the Listeria strain „Nazareth Classics“ with the best before date April 15, 2011 and the lot labels 0520018301 and 0520018302, said the North Rhine-Westphalia Ministry of Consumer Protection. The corresponding batches were therefore recalled from the market. The Listeria contaminated cheese was sold until March 21 through several HIT stores throughout Germany in small quantities. Following the warning from the Belgian manufacturer, the cheese was immediately withdrawn from sale in the HIT markets, according to the Ministry of Consumer Protection. Who, however, before March 21st „Nazareth Classics“bought loosely at the cheese counters or packaged from the refrigerated shelf, should not consume this better, the ministry warned.
Listeria causes listeriosis
Listeriosis, the infectious disease caused by Listeria, usually affects people with weakened immune systems, old people, pregnant women and their unborn children and newborns. The condition is - depending on which organs are affected - extremely different. Often, diarrhea and abdominal pain are the first signs of infection. In the further course of the disease, however, inflammation of the brain / meninges and in listeriosis diseases of pregnant women miscarriages, fetal death or severe neonatal infections (septicemia) may occur. In addition, local wound infection or inflammation of the connective and cornea are possible consequences of listeriosis. With antibiotics, the disease can be treated relatively successfully, but the diagnosis is often clearly delayed due to the nonspecific disease symptoms. (Fp)
Picture: Wilhelmine Wulff