Insults from customers are better not to be personal

Insults from customers are better not to be personal / Health News
Expert: Do not personally take insults from customers
If employees are abused or insulted by dissatisfied customers, it can be extremely stressful for those affected. One should make oneself clear in such situations that the insults are not meant personally.

Insults from customers throw many employees off track. (Image: Robert Kneschke /

"He does not mean me personally"
For example, if a customer pampers employees on the phone, it is not easy for many to bear. Although he is dissatisfied with the performance of the company, the employee gets everything off. So many affected pulls that completely down. As the news agency dpa reports on the topic, it is important in such a situation to distance itself internally. Above all, it helps if you make it clear: "He does not mean me personally, I am only the carrier of the system," said the head of the prevention coordination of the Professional Association for Health Service and Welfare, Heike Schambortski.

Looking for solutions together
So it helps with the answer, deliberately in the role of the representative of the company to slip. Personal emotions have to be left out. In addition, it is good not to contradict the angry opponent, so as to end the situation for yourself as stress-free as possible. If one agrees instead without reservations, so often the wind is taken from his sails. And then the situation is created where it is best to look for solutions together.

Medical staff is often insulted
Some professions are often subject to insults. It has been reported repeatedly in recent months that insults and violent attacks by patients have increased enormously among GPs as well as clinics. Especially in emergency rooms, medical personnel are increasingly being insulted and threatened. One factor in which violence is reported to be often inflamed is long waiting times. Not all perpetrators are drunk or mentally ill. (Ad)