With strong heartburn to the doctor

With strong heartburn to the doctor / Health News

For strong and recurring heartburn to the doctor


Those who suffer continuously from heartburn should not shy away from the path to the doctor. If the burning only occasionally on, the complaints are in most cases rather harmless. Natural home remedies and dietary changes usually help to effectively combat heartburn.

Heartburn is uncomfortable, but usually temporary if it occurs temporarily. Patients suffering from ongoing complaints should not be spared the path to become a specialist (gastrologist). In the opinion of the German Society for the Control of Diseases of the Stomach, Intestines and Liver as well as Disorders of the Metabolism and Nutrition (Gastro-Liga e.V.) in Wiesbaden, acid-binding and acid-inhibiting medicines can alleviate the symptoms. However, if the symptoms occur repeatedly or continuously for more than 14 days, those affected should go to the doctor. Excess stomach acid may cause inflammation of the esophagus and / or ulcers. Heartburn has been proven to be a high risk factor in the development of esophageal cancer. Accordingly, the burning should not be taken lightly.

Acidic eructation and heartburn is one of the most common pathological symptoms of the digestive tract in Germany. According to the association, around 30 percent of German citizens suffer from heartburn. The cause of the complaints are often greasy and spicy foods, coffee, black tea, alcohol (especially red and white wine), cigarette consumption, stress and hectic. The favorable factors provoke excessive secretion of gastric acid. In addition to the well-known symptoms, diarrhea, abdominal pain and bloating may also occur.

It should be noted that the constant intake of chemical acid inhibitors suppress the important functions of gastric juice. This is responsible for preventing bacteria and microorganisms from entering the human organism. As a result, the development of infectious diseases is promoted. Pathogenic germs can penetrate the body more easily. In consultation with the attending physician better a low-acid diet change should be performed. Additionally advantageous is a regular exercise in the form of light endurance sports as well as a weight reduction in overweight. For more information on natural treatment options for heartburn, see „Home remedies for heartburn“. (Sb)

Image: Beßler / Havlena