If speech is abnormal, check the hearing organs
If speech is abnormal, check the hearing organs.
(05.09.2010) The German Association of Otolaryngologists (ENT) points out that babies with language abnormalities must be checked for possible hearing damage. Because for the development of the language it is indispensable that the ear also works. The brain needs acoustic stimuli for healthy language development to work.
If there are abnormalities in language development, parents should have their children examined for ear damage by an ear, nose and throat specialist. If no abnormalities have been identified, parents can visit a speech therapist who is doing speech therapy. The Association of Otolaryngologists (ENT) referred to this.
But how can parents determine if there is a speech problem? Speech-striking is when, for example, three-year-olds have only a very small vocabulary, make repeated grammatical mistakes in speaking and / or in unfamiliar surroundings do not understand the speech of the parents. Hearing damage can be either congenital or caused by frequent middle ear infection. In addition to damage to the hearing organs also neurological or motor disorders come into question. (Sb)