In case of cold strengthen immune defense

In case of cold strengthen immune defense / Health News

Strengthening the immune system

Strengthen the immune system to prevent colds


Clearing cold and icy wind challenge our defenses daily. All the more important is a strong immune system. A balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle help to protect against colds.

Counteract colds with a healthy diet and lifestyle
At temperatures below zero degrees Celsius our defenses are challenged daily. In order to be well prepared for common cold, the German GP recommends a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. „Eat rich in vitamins, eat lots of fruits and vegetables“, says Thomas Aßmann. In addition, he advises to exercise in the fresh air. Those who stick to it would adequately arm their immune system against colds. The specialist in internal medicine recommends those who want to do more, including the intake of vitamin tablets with trace elements such as iron and zinc and vitamin D. Care should only be taken not to take effervescent tablets, as these contained only water-soluble vitamins. Because important are the fat-soluble vitamins to which vitamin D belongs.

Stress, alcohol and cigarettes harm the immune system
„Alcohol, nicotine, too little sleep and stress harm the immune system“, adds Aßmann. Especially on the upcoming Carnival days, this should be taken into account if you wanted to stay healthy and fit. The doctor further explains: „Get out in the great weather. Wrap yourself in warm clothes, put on your hat, scarf and gloves and then move outdoors.“ It is important not to overdo it with the movement, because that too would be stress for the immune system.

Natural healing to strengthen the immune system
There are numerous methods of naturopathy to strengthen the immune system to choose from. It should be noted that the immune system does not consist of an organ, but of a complex system, which includes all lymphatic organs, lymphoid tissue and the hormone and nervous system. The psyche also plays an important role. If you have a lot of stress, it also affects your immune system. In addition to the body defense should also be done something to strengthen the soul and spirit.

In addition to relaxation exercises such as yoga, tai chi or autogenic training, various herbal remedies and treatment methods are available to improve and relax one's mental state. These include Bach flowers, phytotherapy and aromatherapy. The use of Schüssler salts is also recommended by many naturopaths.

Is it primarily about the body's immune system, earlier with the term „hardening“ are called Kneipp´castings, sauna visits and daily brush massages recommended. In addition, an immune modulation (change of immune response) can be performed. Immune modulators include plants such as Echinacea mistletoe, Taiga root (Eleutherokokkus) or the tree of life (Thuja), which are used in certain dosages and potentiations in order to develop their modulatory effect. The self-blood therapy is also used to strengthen the body's defenses. (Ag)

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