If heart failure, the iron values ​​must be checked

If heart failure, the iron values ​​must be checked / Health News

Patients with heart failure often suffer from iron deficiency

Around two to three million people in Germany suffer from heart failure. In up to 60 percent of patients, iron deficiency occurs as an accompanying disease. This affects the quality of life in addition. Therefore, cardiac function patients should regularly check their iron levels.

Check iron levels in heart failure patients

According to health experts, about two to three million people in Germany suffer from heart failure (heart failure). As a result of this disease, the heart is no longer able to provide the body with sufficient blood and oxygen. Although in 35 to 60 percent of those affected iron deficiency occurs as a concomitant disease, it has been unusual to check their iron levels with them. The German Heart Foundation calls for the routine verification of iron metabolism in all patients with heart failure.

So far, it is uncommon to check the laboratory values ​​of iron metabolism in patients with heart failure, although in up to 60 percent of those affected iron deficiency occurs as a concomitant disease. Experts are now calling for a routine review of iron levels in all heart failure patients. (Image: Robert Kneschke / fotolia.com)

Quality of life is impaired

Iron deficiency leads, among other things, to fatigue, loss of performance and lack of concentration and affects the quality of life.

In addition, the organism of the often additionally burdened by other cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure and arrhythmia patients generally more susceptible to diseases.

"In view of the frequency and clinical consequences of iron deficiency, iron metabolism should be routinely checked in all patients with cardiac insufficiency," said Prof. Dr. med. med. Thomas Meinertz, CEO of the German Heart Foundation in a statement.

Whether the progression of heart failure and premature cardiac death are due to iron deficiency, is still unclear. "However, the experimental results speak in favor," explained the cardiologist.

For example, in a mouse study, iron deficiency worsened heart failure.

Since there is iron deficiency in heart failure without any anemia, anemia should not be the only reason for a review of iron metabolism.

Iron deficiency can have many causes

In most cases, iron deficiency causes several causes. If there is anemia at the same time, it must be checked whether the patient has previously lost blood via the gastrointestinal tract unnoticed. The bleeding sources of such microbleeds are often difficult to find.

Iron is taken from the intestine in patients with cardiac insufficiency and increased in the organism.

The heart muscle also needs iron and, according to experimental findings, the iron content of the heart muscle is reduced in patients with heart failure.

Even if there is no heart failure, it is generally recommended to go to the doctor in case of iron deficiency.

Physically more efficient through iron intake

An iron intake improves physical performance, improves quality of life and reduces hospitalization.

In addition, more iron makes the heart more resilient, as shown in a study by scientists at the Hannover Medical School (MHH).

But: "An iron intake via iron-containing tablets is not possible because in heart failure iron-containing tablets can not be absorbed by the intestine," explains Prof. Meinertz.

Even with home remedies for iron deficiency you will not get here.

Effective delivery can be achieved by repeated intravenous administration of 500-1,000 mg iron carboxymaltose. In continuous therapy, this injection must be made approximately every three months. Important to note: Iron deficiency also exists without anemia. (Ad)