When hoarseness save voice but rather not whisper

When hoarseness save voice but rather not whisper / Health News
Whisper while whispering as possible
Those who catch cold during the cold season often suffer from hoarseness. Medicines are usually not appropriate here. But there are well-tried home remedies that help to regain the normal voice. Until then, you should not whisper as possible.

Relieve symptoms on naturopathic basis
During the cold winter months you can easily catch an infection. Anyone who has a cold is often hoarse. But to relieve the symptoms, you do not have to resort to medicines. On naturopathic basis, offer different home remedies for hoarseness. But it is also important to spare the voice. However, you should not whisper at hoarseness and not clearing your throat.

Whoever is hoarse should save his voice, but not whisper and not clear his throat. Because the vocal folds are too tense. Concerned should basically speak little. (Image: DDRockstar / fotolia.com)

Little talk
Because this causes the vocal folds to become very tense. This is indicated by the health magazine "Apotheken Umschau" (1/2017 B). According to the experts, hoarseness is all about sparing one's voice. Already at the first signs it is important to talk as little as possible.

This allows the inflamed mucosa to recover better. Basically, you should talk as slowly and quietly as possible. It is also important to refrain from cigarettes. Because smoking pollutes the mucous membranes and delays the healing process.

Drink a lot
Alcohol and coffee are better to avoid according to the medical profession. However, it should be taken more liquid than usual in order to act against the dry neck.

"Well suited are hot teas with mallow, chamomile, sage or thyme, which are used unsweetened or with a spoonful of honey," explained chemist Eike Barthel from Klingenthal.

Gargling is not very helpful
Gargling with such teas, however, is less helpful to relieve hoarseness. In an older contribution of the "Apotheken Umschau" Dr. Jan Löhler, Otolaryngologist from Bad Bramstedt: "They only reach the oral cavity and the upper pharynx, but not the vocal cords." Inhaling is more effective.

Recommended for Heisere is also to keep the neck warm with a scarf or towels. Even a hot water bottle can help. And with sugar-free candies you can stimulate the salivation. (Ad)