Authority warns of Italian olives with almonds

Authority warns of Italian olives with almonds / Health News

Health: Bundesverbraucheramt warns of Italian olives with almonds


The Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection (BVL) has issued a warning against Italian olives with almonds. The Bio Gaudiano olives should be disposed of in the household waste, because of the health risk that emanates from them, said the Ministry of Consumer Protection on Friday in Berlin.

Two people in Finland contracted a life-threatening botulism infection after consuming Bio Gaudiano olives. Therefore, the Bundesverbraucheramt warns against the consumption of olives and advises all consumers to dispose of the almond-filled organic olives in 314 milliliters glass with a best before date until 09/2012. A take back by the manufacturer was previously not considered.

Health risks of bacteria contaminated olives
The olives of the Italian brand Bio Gaudiano may be contaminated with the bacterium Clostridium botulinum, which can cause life-threatening botulism infections. Since two people in Finland were suffering from the nervous disease botulism after consuming the olives and it can be assumed that the Bio Gaudiano olives were also delivered to Germany, these should be disposed of in the household waste, the ministry warned. This applies to olives with almonds in 314 milliliters glass with a best before date until 09/2012. According to the ministry, the health risks associated with botulism are not to be underestimated.

Symptoms of Nervous Disease Botulism
For the poisoning of the nervous system caused by the bacterial toxin botulinum toxin can in the worst case bring about the death of those affected. The poisonous effect is based on a blockade of the signal transmission between nerves and muscles. In most cases, the eye muscles are affected first, followed later, for example, paralysis of the tongue, palate and laryngeal muscles, with the sufferers often recorded a particularly dry mouth and speech and swallowing disorders. Furthermore, patients with botulism often suffer from diarrhea, nausea and vomiting as well as constipation and stomach cramps.

The muscle paralysis in botulism can also spread to the heart and respiratory muscles in the course of the infection, which may result in the death of those affected by suffocation or cardiac arrest, the experts warn. As a rule, poisoned persons do not have a fever, so that botulism is relatively clearly distinguishable from other diseases that cause similar symptoms. Anyone who finds signs of a botulism infection after "consuming the organic olives with almonds should immediately consult a doctor," according to the statement of the Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection. The bacterial contamination of olives is believed to be due to errors in the preservation of olives. (Fp)

Image: Benjamin Klack