Baker's asthma risk due to work clothes

Baker's asthma risk due to work clothes / Health News

Due to the risk of asthma, bakers should not wear work clothes at home


In individual occupational groups, the risk of developing a work-related allergy over the years is significantly increased. In many cases, bakers, for example, suffer from a flour allergy or fall ill with asthma, reports Prof. Dennis Nowak from the German Society for Occupational Medicine and Environmental Medicine (DGAUM) to the news agency „dpa“.

To minimize the risk of allergy or asthma, the DGAUM expert advises bakers to take their work clothes off after work and store them separately so they do not have to be exposed to potentially allergenic flour around the clock. However, the flour dust settles in the hair, which is why the DGAUM recommends taking a shower after each shift and washing your hair. As an alternative to hair washing, a hair protector may be worn while working.

If there are signs of asthma go to the doctor immediately
If, despite the precautions, the first signs of asthma appear, urgently recommend going to the doctor. Anyone who realizes that he is getting worse than before should seek immediate medical attention, because at an early stage of the disease, opportunities would often open up for workers to continue working despite the developing allergy, explained Professor Nowak. In the end, however, it is not uncommon for the illness to result in occupational disability and possibly early retirement.

Certain occupations unsuitable for allergy and asthma sufferers
The Verband Deutscher Betriebs- und Werksarzzte (VDBW) has repeatedly pointed out in the past that allergy sufferers and asthmatics are exposed to particularly high levels of risk in certain professions and therefore, ideally, adolescents should have a conversation with the doctor before they make a job choice in order to be possible To clarify the consequences of the profession for one's own health. Here the VDBW points out that occupations such as the bakery or carpentry trade are particularly unsuitable for asthmatics. There is a high risk that the profession will worsen the state of health of asthmatics, according to the Association of German Plant and Factory Physicians. (Fp)

Image: Petra Bork