BBQ time Protect against dangerous germ infections when grilling

BBQ time Protect against dangerous germ infections when grilling / Health News
Health-threatening germs: Risk of gastrointestinal infections during grilling
For most Germans, the summer also includes a social get-together with a barbecue. Unfortunately, it often begins shortly after eating: stomach rumbling, malaise, abdominal cramps. The reason for the discomfort may be a gastrointestinal infection. But you can protect yourself from that.

Number of Campylobacter infections increased significantly
According to health experts, the number of Campylobacter infections has increased significantly in recent years. In this country, they occur more often in the warm season. This also has to do with the barbecue season. According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), more than 70,000 Campylobacter-related illness cases were reported in Germany in 2014, especially children under the age of five and younger adults between the ages of 20 and 29 are frequently affected.

Campylobacteriosis usually manifests itself as a severe diarrhea with fever and pelvic spasms, which heals itself after a few days, writes the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) on its website. However, in rare cases, the complication of campylobacteriosis may also be Guillain-Barré syndrome, a disease of the nervous system.

Especially in the summer there are often infections with the germ Campylobacter. But you can protect yourself well from the health-threatening pathogens when grilling. (Image: nd3000 /

Germs do not recognize the smell
To protect yourself from this, you have to know how to get infected. "The transmission to humans takes place mainly via contaminated food, whereby even very small amounts of germs can trigger an infection. Because Campylobacter does not spoil food, its appearance can not be recognized either in the look or smell of the produce, "the experts write. The pathogens are found mainly in raw or insufficiently heated, animal-derived foods, especially in poultry meat, chicken eggs, in raw milk and in raw meat products such as Hackepeter (Mett).

Symptoms of Campylobacter include symptoms such as fever, headache, muscle aches, joint pain, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. In immunocompromised patients, a chronic course threatens and the infection can at worst take life-threatening proportions. A food infection can be particularly dangerous for the elderly.

It's all about hygiene
In order to avoid intestinal infections, kitchen hygiene is of particular importance in the summer. Above all, the prevention of cross-contamination in the kitchen is an important precautionary measure against Campylobacter infections. Basically, hand washing is the most important hygiene rule to protect against infectious diseases. When cutting raw meat or poultry, always use different platters and knives than, for example, salads or cooked foods. Work surfaces, boards and knives should be thoroughly cleaned after use. For dry wiping use the kitchen roll and then throw it away. Used dish towels should be changed regularly and washed at least 60 degrees.

Always heat the meat sufficiently
When roasting and grilling, it is important to always sufficiently penetrate the meat, because only so the pathogens die off. According to the BfR, a temperature of 70 degrees must be reached in the core of the meat for at least two minutes. "Due to the freezing of food Campylobacter, although reduced in number, but not sufficiently killed," write the experts. Marinade and condensation should never come into contact with other foods. The meat is best placed on a separate plate. In addition, food should be stored in the refrigerator in closed containers or completely covered. Last but not least, the waste container should be emptied and cleaned on a regular basis. (Ad)