Base cure helps with hyperacidity

Base cure helps with hyperacidity / Health News

The acid tide in the body and how a base cure can help.

(11.08.2010) Who has not suffered from these symptoms before: headache, backache, tiredness, listlessness or skin problems. More and more people are struggling with chronic symptoms, whether of a cosmetic nature (for example, cellulite) or simply intestinal problems (for example, constipation). Many relieve their suffering with painkillers, laxatives or expensive cosmetics. But the cause remains in almost all cases, and that is called hyperacidity. The solution is in many cases a base cure.

Base cure for acidity:
What does acidity mean and why does it harm?
A flood of acids, the body struggles
Base treatments can help

What does acidity mean and why does it harm?

Your body consists to a large extent of fluids that are supposed to fulfill different tasks and therefore have different characteristics. Yet they have one thing in common: the pH value. This, of course, differs in part considerably (the stomach, for example, requires an acidic environment for digestion), but should be as constant as possible. This balance is also known as acid-base balance.

Those who eat food inevitably lead their bodies to toxins and pollutants that are useless to the organism. Acids are basically neutralized and excreted through the stool, urine or skin. Responsible for the harmlessness of these acids are the minerals calcium, potassium and magnesium. A natural process that is vital to keep the acid-base balance in a healthy balance.

The problem, however, is the increasing tide of acid-forming foods, especially in the „modern“ and industrialized diets occur in masses. White flour, meat, cheese, other animal proteins and sugar make up a large part of the food supplied to not a few people, the famous food pyramid is simply turned upside down.

A flood of acids, the body struggles

In the body, two things now happen that lead to the above-mentioned complaints. However, the list of chronic diseases and ailments is much longer. On the one hand, there is a lack of minerals to neutralize the increased amount of acids. The body must inevitably fall back on its reserves, since the acid-base balance must be vitally balanced. These are bones, teeth, hair and other mineral reserves. It is not uncommon for hyperacidity to cause increased hair loss.

On the other hand, not enough neutralized acids can be eliminated, the „Channels are clogged“. So where is the toxic waste? The body wisely chooses places where they can do the least damage: for example, in connective tissue. These deposited neutralized acids are called slags. They significantly reduce the flexibility and elasticity of the connective tissue. The consequence of many women know as connective tissue weakness, or cellulite.

But overweight can also result from hyperacidity. Organs must be protected from the increased tide of acids, and this makes the body with fat. Even though you may not want to hear it, it's the best way to defend your organs. What would diet here, you can probably imagine. The organs are helplessly exposed to the inundation of acids. It inevitably leads to inflammation, fungal infections and other unpleasant complaints.

Base treatments can help

Not every disease suggests hyperacidity. The acid-base balance is still very important for our well-being. So if you want to actively support your body and tear down the toxic waste landfill, it is best to start with a base cure, also called base fasting.

Here, the deposited slags are dissolved in the first step. Base powder with the most important minerals then ensures rapid degradation of the acids. Tees or alkaline supplements can help to remove toxins from the intestine, which is after all our most important organ concerning the immune system. In addition, there is a strict basic diet, which is easier and tastier than many fear. (Daniel Pammé)

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Image: Stephanie Hofschlaeger,