Barefoot walking prevents later foot pain

Barefoot walking prevents later foot pain / Health News
Prevent foot pain: Children should often walk barefoot
Foot pain, which affects many adults, can often be prevented in early childhood. For example, by gymnastics or insoles. Or by frequent barefoot walking. This is what children usually prefer to do rather than running around with socks or shoes.
Prevent foot pain as early as childhood
Around one in four adults suffers from foot pain. Often this should not be the case: in many cases it would have been possible to prevent it at an early age, for example with gymnastics or insoles, reports the news agency APA. As the orthopedist Ronald Dorotka emphasized at a press conference on the occasion of the annual conference of the orthopedic and orthopedic surgeons in Vienna, the "classic" orthopedic insole has by no means served its purpose and is far more effective than its reputation.

Barefoot running is healthy. Image: WavebreakMediaMicro - fotolia

Barefoot running brings many benefits
The orthopedist strongly recommended prevention such as proper footwear and regular walking barefoot on natural surfaces - especially in growth, but also in risk factors such as hereditary preload and a certain lifestyle such as the regular wearing high heels or running. Children tend to walk around without socks and shoes anyway. This has - regardless of age - different health benefits. So you have, for example, less back problems by barefoot running and stimulates the circulation. Also against sweaty feet it is recommended to walk around more often with bare feet.

Orthopedic insoles have not served their time
According to Dorotka, the most common mistake in children has been to make large shoes. The physician said that classic orthopedic insoles are "not from the last century". Some parents who provide the offspring with deposits, rely on the podological version, which is to activate the muscles, others swear by the "classics", because they should support well. According to the expert, the study situation regarding the podological variant is currently very thin, whereas innumerable results regarding the orthopedic version are available. For example, studies show that they can be used effectively in problems such as heel spurs or heel pain.

Women often have foot problems
In general, women are about four times more likely to be affected by foot deformities. Last but not least, this has to do with her footwear. Every woman knows that "high heels" sooner or later lead to pain on the feet. In addition, stiletto shoes damage the Achilles tendon. According to Dorotka, high heels say: "A little heel is no problem." He pointed out that three to four centimeters could even have a positive effect. (Ad)