To run barefoot

To run barefoot /

Barefoot walking is the natural way of getting around, but for most people today it is unimaginable to leave home without shoes. Although barefoot walking can actually do our body good. It strengthens the foot muscles, prevents foot and toe deformities and has a positive effect on the overall coordination in children. In addition, the so-called foot reflex zones are activated during walking barefoot, which is associated with beneficial effects on the entire organism. It should be noted, however, that there is also an increased risk of injury, for example, by splinters, other sharp objects or insect bites. (Fp)

Of course, going barefoot is healthy and supports the muscles

Barefoot running against sweaty feet and better muscles People who walk barefoot more often not only strengthen their muscles but also exercise ...
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Preventing foot pain: children should walk barefoot frequently Foot pain, which many adults suffer from, can often be seen in early child
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