Herniated disc not infrequently remains undetected

Herniated disc not infrequently remains undetected / Health News

Often a herniated disc is not noticed in time


Back pain is one of the most common reasons for illness in Germany. Not infrequently a herniated disc is behind the complaints. Sometimes herniated discs may not be recognized as such. Occasionally patients have no pain in the back even despite an incident, which could lead to the fact that the illness remains unnoticed for a long time, explained the chief physician of the orthopedics of the specialist clinic Herzogenaurach, Dr. med. Bernd Kladny, opposite the news agency „DAPD“. In addition to the back pain in such cases, however, other symptoms may indicate the herniated disc.

For permanent pain to the doctor
Most Germans have suffered from back pain at least once in their lives. According to the health report of the German Employees Health Insurance Fund (DAK), back pain was the most frequent reason for a sick leave in Germany in 2010. The complaints go according to the experts in most cases only to tension and disappear within a maximum of one month by itself.

If the back or back pain persists for more than four weeks, Kladny strongly recommends visiting a doctor to see if there is a possible herniated disc. To secure the diagnosis need „it's an imaging technique like magnetic resonance imaging“, explained the doctor. Further methods for a reliable diagnosis are computed tomography (CT) and in special cases myelography (X-ray images after previous injection of a contrast medium in the spinal canal).

Postural damage, wear or muscular insufficiency
As one of the most common reasons for the occurrence of a herniated disc, the physicians describe the interaction of low musculature and increased malpositions, such as in the office in front of the PC. The orthopedist Rainer Kirchner, head of the section for orthopedics at the University Hospital Lübeck, explained to the agency that doing so „Contrary to popular belief, not only the elderly are affected by back problems“ are. However, the discs wear out over the course of life, „become thinner and lose in elasticity“, Kirchner. Therefore, the risk of herniated disc increases significantly with age.

In recent years, according to the experts in addition to poor posture and lack of muscle and the false lifting of larger loads are common cause of back problems. As a herniated disc, these usually occur in the area of ​​the lumbar spine but possibly also in the area of ​​the neck.

Since damage to the intervertebral discs may not be accompanied by back pain, according to the experts, some patients are not even aware of their condition. For example, a strong back musculature can compensate for the functional impairment of the intervertebral discs to a certain extent.

Herniated disc possible without back pain
By investigations of magnetic resonance tomography is known, „that even people who do not suffer from back pain can have a herniated disc“, emphasized the chief physician of orthopedics of the specialist clinic Herzogenaurach. Completely symptom-free, the herniated disc is not synonymous with them. For example, as a sign of herniated disc in such cases „foot weakness, hamstring distraction, or weakness of the extensor muscles in the knee“, reports the orthopedist. Some patients could „For example, when standing, do not raise the foot properly.“ If your arms and legs contract more often, tingling, feeling numb or hurting, you should also check to see if the patients may not have a herniated disc. „There are even disturbances in bladder and rectal function“, be „a doctor within six hours“ visit.

As part of the medical examination turns out that the patients actually suffer from a herniated disc, „While this requires therapeutic measures, it does not mean that the world is down“, Kirchner. In most cases, the complaints with treatment measures such as physiotherapy, pain therapy or heat treatment to fix. Should these not be enough, „In the meantime, many minimally invasive high-tech methods are available to provide the patient with freedom from movement and pain“, stressed the Kirchner. The risk of a herniated disc can be reduced by some preventive measures, however, from the outset.“Regular exercise and exercise, proper lifting and healthy eating are simple measures that anyone can take to protect and strengthen their back and quickly get rid of pain“, emphasized the head of the section for orthopedics at the University Hospital Lübeck. (Fp)

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