Intervertebral discs A natural but slightly susceptible buffer in the back

Intervertebral discs A natural but slightly susceptible buffer in the back / Health News
Fascination intervertebral disc: Three questions about the natural buffers in the back
Between each of the 24 vertebral bodies in the human back is a mixture of gelatinous and bone-like tissue: the intervertebral disc. Each of these small natural "cushions" in the back consists of a water-containing core, which firmly encloses a cartilaginous fiber ring. The neurosurgeon and head of the spine center Fulda | Main | Kinzig Dr.-Ing. Bernd Hölper.

Natural buffer: the intervertebral disc. Picture: Picture Dwarf - fotolia

What are they for??
In addition to their obvious function as a link between the individual vertebrae the intervertebral discs fulfill two other main tasks. Thus, they allow the human to bend and twist the upper body and the spine does not remain stiff in one position. At the same time, they absorb shocks and distribute pressure loads that occur, for example, when sitting in the hollow cross. Single vertebrae press more on the lower part of the back. However, this pressure increases by about a quarter as people bend forward. Such long-term, one-sided burdens have serious long-term consequences for the health of the back.

What is she endangering??
Spinal discs absorb their nutrients through the fluid exchange with the surrounding vertebral bodies. By pulling apart and squeezing, the natural buffers suck in like a sponge and squeeze out cellular wastes. Since regular exercise stimulates this vital process, the supply of nutrients generally stops when you are sitting and lying down for the most part. As a result, the volume of the intervertebral disc decreases and it stunted. Fixed in advance by the gelatinous pads, individual vertebrae now lose their hold on the spine and the spine becomes increasingly unstable.

Always take a herniated disc seriously. Image: Henrie - fotolia

To counteract the dangerous process, the body automatically begins to build up new bone. Although at first glance the spine gains robustness due to this ossification, the interspaces narrow in consequence. As a result, the intervertebral discs no longer have the necessary space and press on the underlying nerve strands. This in turn results in severe pain.

How can she protect herself??
Regular agitation provides the discs with nutrients. If there is not enough time, small things like a walk during lunch break or frequent changes of sitting position help. A back-friendly everyday life also contributes to an individually adapted workplace and the right sleeping position. For example, high pillows push the cervical spine upwards, which often causes neck tension. However, if there are problems with the intervertebral disc, conservative measures are recommended. These include strengthening therapy, analgesics or intradiscal distractions, short IDD. In this method, experts adapt the patient to a kind of bench that creates a slight pressure in the interior of the intervertebral discs by means of slight pulling movements. These absorb in this way surrounding nutrients and fluid and regain their volume. If this does not achieve the desired effect, specialists often resort to so-called micro-therapies.

In these gentle procedures, doctors use tiny instruments and allow a quick relief of the pain. Preventively, patients should make their everyday lives more active. These include back-friendly sports such as swimming and a frequent change of sitting position in office life. (sb, pm)