Soon deaths due to lack of doctors?

Soon deaths due to lack of doctors? / Health News

Family doctors warn of deaths due to lack of doctors.

(21.07.2010) Hard argumentative guns are currently being driven between the family doctors to the Federal Health Minister Philipp Rösler (FDP). The German Association of General Practitioners currently warns of serious consequences of the growing shortage of doctors, especially in rural areas. Many people would lose their lives if Rösler did not allow their physicians' fees to rise any more. In the coming year, the Federal Minister of Health plans to save doctors' fees by a total of 500 million euros.

Today, in a press conference, the German Family Physicians' Association presented their protest plans. The association believes the policy of the Federal Minister of Health promotes higher health insurance contributions, fewer family doctors, and a poorer medical care. For this one wants to start a poster campaign. The posters should say: "The Federal Minister of Health endangers your health".

„This includes a website where the insured can read how their members of the Bundestag position themselves for care by GPs, the action 'sure is safe', in which we simulated regionally and temporally limited, how and at what cost an outpatient care without family doctors works“, announced the Federal Chairman of the German Family Doctors Association Ulrich Weigeldt in Berlin. „As a further step, it can also lead to practice closures, if the policy adheres to it, "said the Association. When the first practices are closed, it is not clear. (Sb)

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Strong increase in doctors' fees