Soon pill afterwards without a prescription

Soon pill afterwards without a prescription / Health News

Federal Health Minister Gröhe: "Pill after" should be released as soon as possible from the prescription requirement


For years, politicians, doctors and suffragettes argue over the prescription requirement of the pill afterwards. While it is already available without a prescription in many countries, including Austria, the United Kingdom and France, women in Germany need to get the drug from the doctor for the subsequent prevention of pregnancy. Advocacy organizations such as Pro Familia have been calling for full access for girls and women to post-prevention methods for many years. Now at least the prescription requirement for the pill could be omitted already in the spring. The SPD called on Federal Health Minister Gröhe to submit a corresponding regulation.

Pill after that is soon available without prescription in the pharmacy
On Wednesday, the EU Commission in Brussels had decided to release the newer of the two drugs that are on the market for emergency contraceptives in Europe, Europe-wide. „We will follow the Commission's decision and adapt German legislation as quickly as possible for both preparations currently on the market ", quotes the news agency „dpa“ Great on Thursday. „Our goal is to continue to ensure good advice for both preparations from a single source. "The decision of the European Commission must now be implemented by the Ministry into German law.

While „Pidana“ (Active ingredient levonorgestrel) has long been on the market, Ellaone (active substance ulipristal acetate) was approved in 2009. In many European countries, the prescription requirement for the older preparation has been lifted for years. In Germany, however, the release was prevented by the Federal Ministry of Health until the last. The decision of the EU Commission should give women the opportunity to buy the pill over the counter in the pharmacy and to be able to choose between the two preparations.

The SPD health politician Martina Stamm-Fibich told the news agency:
„I welcome the decision of the European Commission to release the pill from the prescription. This is a long overdue and important step for the right of self-determination of modern women.“ She was convinced, „that a responsible handling of the pill afterwards can be guaranteed even without prescription requirement ". „I hope that women will benefit from the decision taken today in the spring. "

Two pill supplements available thereafter
Both at „Pidana“ as well as at „ellaone“ Side effects such as abdominal pain, menstrual disorders, nausea and headache may occur after taking it. The older preparation must be taken no later than 72 hours after sexual intercourse, the newer is effective up to 120 hours later. In addition, should „ellaone“ be more reliable in women weighing more than 75 kilograms. On the other hand, significantly less data are available for safety in the newer pill than for „Pidana“. „ellaone“ In addition, it costs almost twice as much as the other product. In the future, every woman can decide for herself which preparation is more suitable for her. Consultation by the pharmacist or the doctor is advisable but especially for chronic diseases.

Picture: Wilhelmine Wulff